The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
John HEAVER [27748]
Catherine [27749]
Richard TEED [27733]
Sarah JENKINS [27734]
Thomas HEAVER [12356]
Judith Maria TEED [12357]

Rev Thomas Teed TEED-HEAVER [12351]


Family Links

1. Mary Ann Lockwood MAYDWELL [12352]

Rev Thomas Teed TEED-HEAVER [12351]

  • Born: 29 Jan 1840, Broxbourne Ware HRT
  • Marriage (1): Mary Ann Lockwood MAYDWELL [12352] on 21 Nov 1871 in Brighton SSX
  • Died: 15 Oct 1917, Steyning SSX aged 77
  • Buried: Extra Mural Cemetery Brighton SSX

bullet   Another name for Thomas was Gimp.


bullet  General Notes:

Thomas Teed Heaver
Registration Year: 1840
Registration Quarter: Jan-Feb-Mar
Registration district: Ware
Volume: 6
Page: 611

Cambs University Alumni 1261-1900
College: Caius: Michaelmas 1858 - Adm. pens. at CAIUS, Jan. 18, 1858. S. of Thomas, maltster, of Ware, Herts. B. Ware Jan. 29, 1840. School, Croydon (private). Matric. Michs. 1858. Resided eight terms. Ord. deacon (Chichester) 1874; priest, 1875; Curate of Southover, Sussex, 1874-6. Curate of Blendworth, Hants., 1876-9. Curate of Marshfield, Gloucs, 1879-81. Curate of Dunston, and Evening Lecturer at Swainsthorpe, Norfolk, 1889-94. Lic. pr., dio. of Norwich, 1894-1905. Resided latterly at Wymondham, Norfolk, and finally at 51, Preston Drove, Brighton, where he died Oct. 15, 1917. (Venn, II. 338; Scott, MSS.; Crockford (Teed-Heaver from 1902); The Guardian, Oct. 25, 1917.)

Thomas Teed Heaver
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Birth Date: abt 1840
Marriage Date: 21 Nov 1871
Marriage Place: Brighton, Sussex, England
Father: Thomas Heaver
Spouse: Mary Ann Lockwood Maydwell

Thomas Teed-Heaver
Death Age: 77
Birth Date: abt 1840
Registration Date: Dec 1917
Registration district: Steyning
Inferred County: Sussex
Volume: 2b
Page: 324

Teed-Heaver v Tered-Heaver 1917 Ref PRO J121/7107

bullet  Research Notes:

Image Courtesy of Gravestone Photo's and A. Antoniou - 2018

1901 Census
Emma J Martins
Age: 22
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1879
Relation to Head: Nurse
Birth Place: Little Ellingham, Norfolk, England
County/Island: Suffolk
Country: England


bullet  Other Records

1. Census: England, 7 Jun 1841, Ware HRT. Thomas is recorded as aged 1 born in Hertfordshire

2. Census: England, 30 Mar 1851, Ware HRT. Thomas is recorded as a son aged 11 being schooled at home born Ware Hertfordshire

3. Census: England, 3 Apr 1881, Marshfield GLS. Thomas is recorded as head of house married aged 41 Curate in charge of Marshfield born Ware HRT

4. Census: England, 31 Mar 1901, Wymondham NFK. Thomas is recorded as head of house married age 61 a retired clergyman born Ware HRT

5. Census: England, 2 Apr 1911, 35 Wellington Rd Brighton SSX. Thomas is recorded as head of a 11 room house married aged 71 a Clerk in Holy Orders (invalided) born Ware HRT

6. Thomas Teed Teed-Heaver: Will, 31 Jul 1917.
Will of Rev Thomas Teed Teed-Heaver.
26 April 1917
This is the last Will and Testament of me Thomas Teed Teed-Heaver (commonly known as Thomas Teed Heaver) of 51 Preston Grove Brighton in the County of Sussex clerk in holy orders I appoint my daughter Florence Lizzie Lockwood Teed Heaver Emma Janet Martins at present of 51 Preston Grove Brighton aforesaid sister and Francis James Gauntlett of "Regent House" 24 New Rd, Brighton aforesaid solicitor to be the executors and trustees of this my Will and they or the survivors or survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such survivor or other trustee or trustees hereof for the time being are hereinafter called the trustees or trustee I direct my executors to take all necessary steps and for this purpose to employ such doctors or other skilled persons as they in their sole discretion may think proper for the purpose of ascertaining that I am in fact dead and not in any other state having the semblance of death in order so far as possible to avoid the risk of my being buried alive I direct that the notification of my death in the newspaper shall contain a request that no flowers shall be sent and I desire that my funeral shall be conducted in a simple and inexpensive way as possible and that no wreath or flowers in any form shall appear at my funeral
I give to each of my executors and trustees the said Florence Lizzie Lockwood Teed Heaver Emma Janet Martins and Francis James Gauntlett provided he and she shall severally accept the office of executor and trustee but not otherwise the sum of £50
I give to my said daughter Florence Lizzie Lockwood Teed Heaver all my silver plate and plated goods
I give to my daughter Ethel Lucy Lockwood Teed Crabb (the wife of Arthur Henry Crabb) my silver watches and chain
Also I give to my said daughter Ethel Lucy Lockwood Teed Crabb all my wine and consumable stores
I give the Chippendale bookcase and Secretariat which belonged to the Heaver family to my nephew John Wyman Teed Heaver
I give my Scotch books to my niece Ellen Manston Nisbett
I give my typewriting machine to my nephew Northcote Heaver
I give all the rest of my household furniture linen china glass books prints and other articles of household or personal use or ornamental to the said Emma Janet Martins absolutely
I bequeath to Elizabeth Mary Heaver the widow of my late brother John Heaver the sum of £1000
I bequeath to the said Emma Janet Martins the sum of £1000 in addition to any other benefit to which she may be entitled under this my Will
I direct that all the foregoing legacies whether specific or pecuniary shall be free of all duties I give devise and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my estate property and effects whatsoever and wheresoever both real and personal unto the trustees or trustee Upon trust to sell my said real estate together with such parts of my said residuary personal estate as may be saleable and to call in and compel payment of all such parts of my said residuary personal estate as may consist of money or securities for money and to stand possessed of the proceeds arising from the sale and conversion and collection of my said real and residuary personal estate's and of the ready money belonging to me at the time of my death Upon trust to divide the same into 3 equal parts or shares And as to 1 of such 3 equal parts shares in trust for my said daughter Florence Lizzie Lockwood Teed Heaver absolutely
And as to 1 other of such 3 equal parts or shares In trust for my daughter the said Ethel Lucy Lockwood Teed Crabb absolutely
And as to the remaining equal 3rd part or share Upon trust for my daughter Ellen Maydwell Lockwood Teed Heaver Provided nevertheless that the said 1 equal 3rd part or share here in before given to the said Ellen Maydwell Lockwood Teed Heaver shall not vest absolutely but shall be retained by the trustees or trustee during the life of the said Ellen Maydwell Lockwood Teed Heaver and held by them him or her Upon the trusts hereinafter declared concerning the same that is to say The Trustees or Trustee shall invest the same in their his or her names or name with power from time to time to buy such investments and shall pay the income of such share to the said Ellen Maydwell Lockwood Teed Heaver until the day of her marriage with Cameron Hellett And from and after such event shall out of the income of such share paid to the said Ellen Maydwell Lockwood Teed Heaver an annuity or yearly sum of £50 by four equal quarterly payments of £12.10 shillings each free of income tax nevertheless as her separate property and free from the control debts and engagement of her husband and so that during coverture the same shall be without power of anticipation and shall pay the balance of the income of such share to the said Emma Janet Martins for her life (and if she shall be then dead shall pay such income to the persons or person who would be entitled to the said share under the trust hereinafter declared) until the death of the said Ellen Maydwell Lockwood Teed Heaver And after the death of the said Ellen Maydwell Lockwood Teed Heaver I direct that the said remaining 1 equal 3rd part or share and the capital and income thereof shall be In trust for the said Emma Janet Martins absolutely Provided nevertheless and I hereby direct that if the said Emma Janet Martins shall die in the lifetime of the survivor of myself and the said Ellen Maydwell Lockwood Teed Heaver then and in that case the trustees or trustee shall stand possessed of the said remaining 1 equal 3rd part or share hereinbefore given in trust as aforesaid and the capital and income thereof subject nevertheless to the life interest of the said Ellen Maydwell Lockwood Teed Heaver as may be then subsisting therein In trust for all my nephews and nieces children of my late brother the said John Heaver as shall be living at my death in equal shares absolutely I declare that the trustees or trustee may end their her or his absolute and uncontrolled discretion postpone the sale calling in and conversion of the whole or any part or parts of my said residuary estate including reversions and property of a determinable wasting or hazardous nature during such period as they or she or he shall think proper and may retain any investments existing at my death without being responsible for loss and until the sale calling in and conversion of my said residuary estate all the net rents profits and income arising therefrom in whatsoever condition or state of investment the same may be and whether consisting of investments on authorise character or not shall for the purposes of this my Will and as between all persons interested thereunder be applied from my death as if the same were income arising from the proceeds of such sale selling in conversion all the investment of such proceeds I direct that the trustees or trustee may at any time or times at their her or his discretion appropriate any part of my estate in its actual condition or state of investment in or towards satisfaction of any of the foregoing legacies or any share in my said residuary estate and any property appropriated under this present power in satisfaction of any share not absolutely vested in possession and immediately payable shall notwithstanding such appropriation remain subject to the trusts and powers of sale and conversion and investment hearing declared an contained concerning my said residuary estate or such of the same as may be applicable thereto I desire that the trustees or trustee shall not (until it is necessary to do so for distribution) realise any of my good dividend paying investments further than it may be needful to do so for the payment of death duties on legacies And that in deciding which investments to realise for expenses they shall be guided by the advice of my stockbrokers Messrs Hichens Harrison and Co But this expression of my wish is not to interfere with their own discretion or to create any legal or equitable obligation I direct my trustees to postpone the calling in of the liability of my said nephew John Wyman Teed Heaver to my estate in respect of my having become surety to the National Provincial Bank of England for Advances made to him by such bank and of any other debt liability or obligation which may be due and owing to me at my death for such period as the trustees or trustee may think proper without taking security for the same and without being responsible for loss I direct that the trustees or trustee and each of them shall be respectively chargeable only for such monies and securities as they or she or he shall respectively actually receive notwithstanding their respectively signing any receipt for the sake of conformity and shall respectively be answerable and responsible only for their her or his own respective acts receipts omissions neglects in default and not for those of any other trustees nor of any Banker Broker Auctioneer or other person with whom or into whose hands any trust monies or securities shall be deposited or come nor for the lending on the security of hereditaments with less than a marketable title nor for the insufficiency of title or deficiency of value nor for any other loss unless the same shall happen through their her or his own wilful default respectively The Trustees or trustee may reimburse themselves herself or himself or pay and discharge out of the trust premises all expenses incurred in and about the execution of the trusts and powers of this my will I declare that the trustees or trustee may at their her or his uncontrolled discretion instead of acting personally employ and pay any other person or persons to transact any business or to do any act of whatever nature in relation to the trusts here of including the receipt and payment of money without being liable for loss incurred thereby and any trustee being a solicitor or other person engaged in any profession or business may be so employed to act in shall be entitled to charge and be paid or professional or other charges for any business or acts done by him or his firm in connection with the trusts here of including acts which an executor or trustees could have done personally And lastly I revoke all former Wills codicils and testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me
In Witness whereof I the said Thomas Teed Teed-Heaver the testator have to this my last Will and testament contained in 4 sheets of paper set my hand this 26th day of April 1917
Signed T T Teed-Heaver
Signed and acknowledged by the above named Thomas Teed Teed-Heaver the testator as and for his last Will and testament in the presence of us both present at the same time who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have here unto subscribed our names as witnesses:
George Glover Flowers 23 Upper St James St, Brighton clerk
Roland H Hunter Clark for Messrs Fripp and Gauntlett solicitors Brighton

This Is a Codicil to the last Will and Testament of me Thomas Teed Teed-Heaver commonly known as Thomas Teed Heaver of 51 Preston Dr, Brighton in the County of Sussex clerk in holy orders and which will bears date the 26th day of April 1917
Whereas by the Will of Anne Emma Teed Tratt (nee Wheaton died 22 Feb 1917) late of Sackville house Bridgwater in the County of Somerset widow dated the 21st day of July 1914 a legacy of £50 is bequeathed to me by the said testatrix And whereas the said Anne Emma Teed Tratt has lately died and payment of the said legacy has not yet been made now I do hereby bequeath to Emma Janet Martin's named in my said Will the said legacy of £50 or such sum as shall be received by me or by my estate from the executors of the said Anne Emma Teed Tratt after deducting therefrom any government duties which may be payable in respect thereof under the will of the said Anne Emma Teed Tratt but free from any legacy duty in respect of my estate And in all other respects I confirm my said Will In Witness whereof I the said Thomas Teed Teed-Heaver the testator have to this codicil to my last Will and testament set my hand this 31st day of July 1917
Signed Thomas Teed Teed-Heaver
Signed and acknowledged by the above named Thomas Teed Teed-Heaver the testator as and for a codicil to his last Will and Testament in the presence of us both present at the same time who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have here unto subscribed our names as witnesses
E L Sortain 59 Old Steyne Brighton Physician
A Francis 57 Preston Dr, Brighton
On the 23rd day of April 1918 probate of this Will and one codicil was granted to Florence Lizzie Lockwood Teed Heaver Emma Janet Martin's and Francis James Gauntlett the executors.

Teed-Heaver the Rev Thomas Teed of 51 Preston-drove Brighton clerk died 15 Oct 1917. Probate London 23 Apr 1918 to Florence Lizzie Lockwood Teed-Heaver and Emma Janet Martins spinsters and James Gauntlett solicitor.
Effects £16700 13s 7d
National Probate Calendar


Thomas married Mary Ann Lockwood MAYDWELL [12352] [MRIN: 4138], daughter of Rev Richard John Lockwood MAYDWELL [12368] and Susanna Manston TEED [12369], on 21 Nov 1871 in Brighton SSX. (Mary Ann Lockwood MAYDWELL [12352] was born Oct Qtr 1844 in Bengeo Hertfordshire, baptised on 15 Dec 1844 in Bengeo Hertfordshire, died on 13 Apr 1914 in Brighton SSX and was buried in Extra Mural Cemetery Brighton SSX.)

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