The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
Thomas PARKER [20467]
Mary SMITH of Andover [20468]
Henry John Neil PARKER [400]
Elizabeth STRIDE [401]
(Abt 1799-)

Rev Arthur William PARKER [1049]


Family Links

1. Harriet Emily JULIUS [1033]

Rev Arthur William PARKER [1049]

  • Born: 24 Feb 1841, Shirley HAM
  • Baptised: 8 Sep 1841, Shirley HAM
  • Marriage (1): Harriet Emily JULIUS [1033] on 30 Apr 1868 in Wrecclesham Church Farnham SRY
  • Died: 18 Apr 1917, Tunbridge Wells KEN aged 76

bullet  General Notes:

Hampshire Baptisms
Birth year1841
Baptism year 1841
Baptism day8
Baptism monthSep
Son or daughterSon
First parent's first name(s)Henry John Neil
Second parent first name(s)Elizabeth

Julius Jottings No 2 April 1900
Arthur was educated at Hyde Abbey School Winchester 1851-59; Lincoln College Oxford 1859-63; graduated 2nd Class in Classical Mods., 1861; 2nd in Greats 1863; Graduated 1863; Ordained 1864 to Trinity Church St Giles-in-the-Fields 1864-66; then Curate St Marys Southampton 1866-69; Married at Wrecclesham Church to Harriet Emily Julius April 30 1868; First incumbant of Rowledge Church (Farnham Surrey) 1871; He paid off the Church debt, built and twice enlarged the schools. Has taken a great interest in temperence work, and conducted a branch at Rowledge for many years.

Soon after the year 1860, Henry Julius began to feel the growing hamlet of Rowledge at the junction of three parishes, Binsted, Frensham and Wrecclesham needed more supervision. He consulted Bishop Sumner and the clergy of the parishes affected and it was decided to issue a subscription list in order to build the church. The government gave a quantity of 2 acres of forest land for the church and vicarage of which three quarters of an acre was used for the church and 1 acre and a quarter for the vicarage and garden. £300 per annum was set aside to endow the parish of Rowledge. The church was dedicated to St James and consecrated 28 January 1871.
The Bishop offered Henry Julius the patronage of Rowledge he thereupon offered it to his son-in-law Arthur Parker.
Arthur was the vicar of St James Rowledge from its dedication in 1871 to 1914. A school accommodating 126 children was opened 7th May 1872 at a cost of £616, the school was enlarged in 1880.
A South window in St James was dedicated 23 June 1918 as a memorial to Arthur Parker and the Rev H M Harke who followed him, but died suddenly in 1917.
Ref: A Rowledge History by Florence Parker and others researched and published by Roy Waight.

The Roundelays of Rowledge a volume of poetry by Stanhope Edgar Ward.
These poems and references from Florence Parker's diary suggest Arthur was a hard-working vicar, no stranger to amusement and fun, easy with his social superiority and respected by those around him.

In May of 1914 Arthur retired to Tunbridge Wells.

Will Arthur William Parker
Date 19 December 1898
I hereby revoke all former Wills and declare this to be the last will and testament of me Arthur William Parker vicar of Rowledge in the civil parish of Binstead and County of Southampton subject to the interest and control hereinafter reserved in favour of my dear wife I leave and bequeath ultimately to my dear children as follows: viz
I leave to my daughter Florence Ellen Parker the freehold land at Shirley near Southampton bordering the High Street bequeathed to me by my late father Henry John Neil Parker leased by him to Mr William Squibb at L36 per annum the rent of which at the present time is paid by Mrs Maffey of Adelaide Villa Belmont Road Portswood Southampton
I leave to my daughter Annie Sylvia Parker the freehold land at Shirley likewise bequeathed to me by my late father H.J.N. Parker leased by him to Mr William Squibb at L30 per annum bordering the road from Shirley to Southampton the rent of which is now paid by Messrs Evans Foster and Wadham of 2 Grays Inn Square London Also I leave to my said daughter Annie Sylvia Parker the freehold cottage with garden known as Yew Cottage Rowledge on the East of the playground of the National School purchased by me of Miss Mary Marshall as mortgagee for Mr Isaac Deadman and now rented by Mr Wakeford
I leave to my son Ernest Julius Parker the leasehold land (or freehold land if so proved under my fathers will) situated at Shirley leased by Mr Charles Marcer by appointment of Mr H.J.N. Parker to Mr James Mainer at L9 per annum the rent of which was for some time paid by Mr Hammond (as stated in my fathers will) but at the present time is paid by Mr W.R. Holden of Commercial Road Southampton the same being the land bearing the rent of L9 per annum bequeathed under my fathers will to my sister Ellen Parker and by her will to me
I also leave to my said son Ernest Julius Parker the freehold land and houses at Boundstone in the parish of Farnham known as Heathfield with nearly an acre of land adjoining as formerly belonged to Emanuel Barnard all which property was conveyed to me by my late father in law the Rev H.R. Julius by deed of gift dated the 15th day of January 1887
I leave to my son Herbert Francis Parker the freehold land in St Mary Street Southampton leased by Mr John Foot to Mr John Harris at L15 a year which was afterward assigned by Mr J Foot to my late father H.J.N Parker then bequeathed under my fathers will to my sister Ellen Parker and by her will to me the rent of the same being now paid by Mrs Russell of 111 and 112 St Mary Street Southampton I also leave to my said son Herbert Francis Parker the freehold land in Sewell Street West Ham (or Plaistow) Essex purchased by me of Mr Hugh Charles Godfrey and yielding an annual rent as leased to Mr James Tassell of L35 subject however to my son paying to my wife's trustees the annual sum of L20 interest on the sum of L500 advanced by them on mortgage or the full principle of L500 as may be arranged or in case the said mortgage or any part thereof shall have been paid off before my son comes into possession of the said land under this my will be in subject still to my son paying a corresponding sum to the part paid off into my general estate or submitting to an equal deduction from his share of the residue when determined
I leave to my daughter Constance Emily Parker the freehold lands situated in Cook Street Barking Essex on which are erected 23 houses purchased by me of Mr Sydney Smirk leased to Mrs Elizabeth Sutherland for 99 years from May 7, 1894 and yielding an annual ground rent of L8010s 0d subject however to my daughter paying to my wife's trustees the annual sum of L45 interest on the sum of L1125 advanced by them on mortgage at 4 percent or the full principle of L1125 as may be arranged or in case the said mortgage or any part thereof shall have been paid off before my daughter comes into possession of the said land under this my will then subject still to my daughter paying a corresponding sum to the part paid off into my general estate or submitting to an equal deduction from her share of the residue when determined
I leave to my daughter Mabel Alice Parker the freehold land in Waterhouse Lane Millbrook near Southampton leased by my late father H.J.N. Parker to Mr John Parsons at L20 per annum the rent of which is now paid by Mr Richard Galpin of Kelvedon House Kelvedon Essex the same having been bequeathed under my fathers will to my sister Ellen Parker and by her will to me
I also leave to my said daughter Mabel Alice Parker the land in Waterhouse Lane Millbrook leased by my father H.J.N. Parker to Mr N.N. Jefferies at L15 per annum the rent of which at the present time is paid to Messrs Goater and Blatch of Portland Terrace Southampton the same having been bequeathed under my fathers will to my sister Ellen Parker and by her will to me
I also leave to my said daughter Mabel Alice Parker the sum of L300 Stirling I wish it to be understood that in so far as the above named specific legacies to my dear children differ in value it is solely from regard to the varying cost of their education and to the probable prospects of their making income notwithstanding the annual rent interest or produce of all the above named bequests whether real or personal
I reserve to my dear wife Harriet Emily Parker so long as she shall live for her absolute use and control for the benefit of herself without children
I leave to my two sons Ernest Julius Parker and Herbert Francis Parker as co-executives with their mother of this my will each a legacy of L50 free of legacy duty to be paid in due course after the proving of my will
I leave to my dear wife Harriet Emily Parker the freehold property known as Firfield Rowledge purchased by me of the trustee of William Swan Jr absolutely
I direct that all my debts funeral and testamentary expenses be paid out of my residuary estate and subject to such deductions
I bequeath the whole of the residue of my property real and personal or in which I may have a vested interest to my dear wife absolutely with power to will the same if she survives me desiring only that she shall take steps to secure succession to the bulk of it to our children in such proportion as in varying circumstances she may consider fitting and in case my dear wife does not survive me I hereby leave and bequeath all the residue of my property real and personal and any in which I may have a vested interest to be divided equally between my six children I further point that if any of my children should marry and afterwards die before becoming possessed of any of the bequests under this my will the share of such child shall be put in trust for the benefit of any surviving husband or wife and children of such deceased daughter or son the trustees to have power to hold the property as received or to sell it or any part thereof and reinvest it in trust to pay the income of the same to the surviving husband or wife for his or her natural life and at his or her death to divide the same in equal shares between the children of my deceased son or daughter absolutely or if there be one child only then that child to take the whole and in the event of any of my children dying before me unmarried or after marriage without leaving consort child or children then the share of any such deceased son or daughter shall be divided equally between my other surviving children or their representatives as also shall be done at the death of a consort if there be no child or children
Finally I appoint my wife Harriet Emily Parker and my two sons Ernest Julius Parker and Herbert Francis Parker joint executors of this my will I declare this written by myself on the five pages forgoing to be my last Will and Testament
In witness whereof I hereunder set my hand and Seal this 19th day of December 1898
Arthur William Parker (L.S.)
Signed and delivered by the said Arthur William Parker in the presence of us present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses
Daniel Porter Post Office Rowledge Farnham grocer
Beatrice Porter Post Office Rowledge Farnham Surrey spinster

This Is a Codicil to the foregoing last will and Testament of me Arthur William Parker which bears date the 19th day of December 1898 whereas I have now sold the land in Waterhouse Lane Millbrook leased by my late father to Mr N.N. Jefferies at L15 per annum and which I bequeathed in my aforesaid will under certain reservations to my dear daughter Mabel Alice Parker I now believe and bequeath instead thereof and under the same reservations to my said daughter Mabel Alice Parker the piece of land in Tennyson Road Portswood near Southampton purchased by me at the same time of or through Mr Blatch yielding an annual rent of L16
In Witness whereof I have hereunder set my hand and Seal this 31st day of July 1899
Arthur William Parker (L.S.)
Signed and delivered by the said Arthur William Parker in the presence of us present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names at witnesses.
Ruth Porter wife Post Office Rowledge Farnham Surrey
Annie Porter postmaster Rowledge Farnham Surrey

This Is a Codicil to the foregoing last will and Testament of me Arthur William Parker which bears date the 19th day of December 1898 whereas I have sold the freehold land at Shirley leased by my late father to Mr William Squibb at L30 per annum to Mr William Bagshaw the present lessee thereof which land I bequeathed in my will foregoing to my daughter Annie Sylvia Parker under certain reservations I now withdraw that bequest and also the bequest of the cottage known as Yew Cottage Rowledge with garden on the East of the National School playground and instead thereof and under the same reservations during the lifetime of my wife I bequeath to my daughter Annie Sylvia Parker all the freehold land which I have agreed immediately to purchase of Mr Percy Willis Russell situated in Carlton Road Walthamstow Essex on which are built houses now numbered 42, 44, 46, 48, 50 and 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61 and 63 in Carlton Road aforesaid yielding an annual rent of L67 10s 0d subject however to my daughter Annie Sylvia Parker paying to my wife's trustees the annual sum of L24 interest on the sum of L600 or thereabouts advanced by them on mortgage at 4 percent or the full principle of L600 as may be arranged or in case the said mortgage or any part thereof shall have been paid off before my daughter comes into possession of the said land under this my will then subject still to my daughter paying a corresponding sum to the part paid off into my general estate or submitting to an equal deduction for her share of the residue when determined I also leave Yew Cottage Rowledge with garden on the East of the school playground to my daughter Florence Ellen Parker under the same reservations as her other freehold legacy
In Witness whereof I have hereunder set my hand and Seal this 18th day of November 1903
Arthur William Parker (L.S.)
Signed and delivered by the said Arthur William Parker in the presence of us present at the same time who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses.
Laura Overbeck Duffield Ashmore Rowledge
Isabel Ross Duffield

This Is a Further Codicil to the foregoing last will and Testament of me Arthur William Parker which bears date the 19th day of December 1898 I hereby revoke the previous appointment of my son the Rev Ernest Julius Parker as an executor of my will he having taken up his permanent residence in South Africa in his stead I appoint my eldest daughter Florence Ellen Parker as joint executor of my will with the others previously appointed and I also transfer to the said Florence Ellen Parker the legacy of L50 previously bequeathed to my son Ernest Julius Parker for undertaking the duties of executor.
Arthur William Parker (L.S.)
Signed and delivered by the said Arthur William Parker in the presence of us present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses.
Ernest Julius Parker Clerk in holy orders Rowledge Vicarage Farnham
Annie Sylvia Parker Nurse Rowledge Vicarage Farnham Surrey

This Is a Further Codicil to the foregoing last will and Testament of me Arthur William Parker which bears date the 19th day of December 1898 whereas I have sold the freehold land and houses in Boundstone known as Heathfield which I bequeathed in my will foregoing to my son Ernest Julius Parker I now withdraw that request and instead thereof and under the same reservations during the lifetime of my wife I bequeath to my son Ernest Julius Parker the sum of L450 Stirling.
In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and Seale this 24th day of October 1916.
Arthur William Parker (L. S.)
Signed and delivered by the said Arthur William Parker in the presence of us present at the same time who at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses.
Florence Ellen Parker Spinster 7 Court Road Tunbridge Wells
Alice Emily Powell Domestic 7 Court Road Tunbridge Wells
Affidavit of due execution of 4th codicil filed.

On the 9th day of August 1917 Probate of this Will and four codicils was granted to Harriet Emily Parker Herbert Francis Parker and Florence Ellen Parker executors.
Ref: Transcribed by R Waight 2014

Parker Rev Arthur William of Glenberrie 7 Court-road Tunbridge Wells died 18 April 1917 Probate London 9 August to Harriet Emily Parker widow Herbert Francis Parker MD and Florence Ellen Parker spinster. Effects L13605 4s 11d
Ref: National Probate Calendar

bullet  Research Notes:

Parker family images courtesy of R Waight 2015

bullet  Medical Notes:

Arthur suffered from senility at his end - Roy Waight


bullet  Other Records

1. Census: England, 8 Apr 1861, Providence Villa St James Cres St Faith Winchester. Arthur W is recorded as unmarried aged 20 born Shirley Hants.

2. Census: England, 3 Apr 1881, Rowledge Vicarage Farnham HAM. Arthur is recorded as head of house married aged 40 M A Oxford incumbent of Rowledge born Shirley Ham

3. Census: England, 5 Apr 1891, Rowledge Vicarage Binsted E Hants. Arthur is recorded as head of house married aged 50 Vicar of Rowledge born Shirley Hants.

4. Census: England, 31 Mar 1901, Rowledge Vicarage HAM. Arthur is recorded as head of house married aged 60 a clergyman born Shirley Hampshire.

5. Census: England, 2 Apr 1911, Rowledge Vicarage Farnham HAM. Arthur is recorded as head of a 14 room house married aged 70 vicar of Rowledge born Shirley Hampshire


Arthur married Harriet Emily JULIUS [1033] [MRIN: 334], daughter of Rev Henry Richard JULIUS M.A. [776] and Mary Ann BUTTERWORTH [1031], on 30 Apr 1868 in Wrecclesham Church Farnham SRY. (Harriet Emily JULIUS [1033] was born on 28 Dec 1842 in Farnham SRY, baptised on 25 Jan 1843 in Farnham SRY and died on 13 Jan 1933 in Tunbridge Wells KEN.)

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