The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Dr George Charles JULIUS [51]
Isabella Maria GILDER [52]
Joseph Henry BUTTERWORTH of Clapham Common [2216]
Mary Ann STOCK [2217]
Rev Henry Richard JULIUS M.A. [776]
Mary Ann BUTTERWORTH [1031]
Henry John JULIUS [1040]


Family Links

1. Isabella CRAIN [2732]

Henry John JULIUS [1040]

  • Born: 1 Jun 1858, Farnham SRY
  • Marriage (1): Isabella CRAIN [2732] on 27 May 1886 in Wallsend Newcastle NSW Aust.
  • Died: 27 Aug 1932, Townsville QLD aged 74

bullet  General Notes:

Henry emigrated to Australia, and is thought to be the Mr H J Julius aged 30 who arrived in Victoria November 1884 aboard the "John Elder" from Britian.
Ref: PROV - Unassisted Immigration to Victoria 1852-1923. Old Julius.

He travelled to Queensland and the following information is from the Queensland Police Gazette dated:
1888. Eulo Queensland Licensed Victualler's Licence transferred from Henry Mueller to H J Julius.
1888. Eulo Queensland H J Julius recorded as a Licensed Victualler
1888. Eulo Queensland H J Julius issued a Billiards License.
1889. Eulo Queensland H J Julius recorded as the Licensed Victualler of the Royal Mail Hotel Eulo.
1889. Eulo Queensland H J Julius issued a Billiards License Royal Mail Hotel
1890. Eulo Queensland H J Julius recorded as a Licensed Victualler
1890. Eulo Queensland H J Julius issued a Billiards License Royal Mail Hotel.
NZSOG CD 2007.

He Registered a Brand to himself:
Henry J. Julius
Royal Mail Hotel
Eulo Queensland
Brand: US4
Certificate Number: B26399
Date: 19 January 1888
Page: 157
Type: Registration
Country; Australia
State: Queensland
Record set: Queensland brands directories
Category: Education & work
Record collection: Farming & agriculture
Ref: Findmypast - Queensland Horse and Cattle Brands Index 1872-1899

In Chambers, on Wednesday, before his Honour Sir Chas. Lilley, O.J., the following were adjudicated insolvent . . . . .
Henry John Julius, of Eulo, licensed victualler, on the petition of P. K. M'Guigan, of Cunnamulla, wine and
spirit merchant, first meeting 21st instant . . . . .
Ref: The Brisbane Courier (Qld) Friday 8 November 1889.

Current News.
A "Gazette" extraordinary was issued on Thursday proroguing Parliament till the 31st December next.
The following persons have been adjudicated insolvent since our last issue: . . . . . Henry John Julius, of
Eulo, licensed victualler . . . . .
Ref: The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld) Saturday 16 November 1889

. . . . . In the matter of Henry John Julius, of Eulo, licensed victualler, insolvent, Mr. Osborne, appearing for the insolvent, moved to annul adjudication order: order accordingly.
Ref: The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld) Saturday 16 August 1890

Joseph Riddell, on bail, was indicted for having on the 4th December last, at Eulo, feloniously killed one John Cashman. The prisoner pleaded not guilty, and was undefended. . . . . . the prisoner and a man named Cashman were both at the Royal Mail Hotel, about 10 o'clock when a dispute or a quarrel arose, and the two men agreed to go to the back yard of the hotel to fight.
James Kearney, J.P., residing at Eulo, deposed: On the night of 4th December last I saw the prisoner engaged in a fight in the back yard of the Royal Mail Hotel kept by Henry J. Julius. A man named Cashman was fighting with the prisoner . . . . .
The jury retired and in about half an hour were summoned into court by his Honor, who on learning they had not agreed asked if he could assist them to come to a decision. The foreman stated that he did not think his Honor could assist. There were nine to three, with little or no prospect of agreement. His Honor then further addressed the jury, and shortly afterwards a verdict of guilty was returned, with a strong recommendation to mercy. His Honor in addressing the prisoner said he believed that Cashman had provoked him and that his death was caused by something very near to an accident. He ordered prisoner to enter into his own recognisances of L80 to keep the peace towards all her Majesty's subjects for a period of twelve mouths.
Ref: Western Star and Roma Advertiser (Toowoomba, Qld) Wednesday 12 March 1890

On Thursday last several cases were heard at the Police Court. In the case of Henry J Julius, of Villeneuve, versus Rose and Harriot Clark of Kilcoy for trespassing, the defendants were charged with tailing their fathers cattle in one of the plaintiffs paddocks, having crossed into it where there was a shallow crossing or ford in the Stanley River. The defendants pleaded guilty and as the plaintiff did not wish to press the charge, were fined 5s. each and costs of court, in all 19s.
Ref: The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld.) Friday 27 July 1894

Licensed Gates Notice
I HEREBY give notice that it is my intention to apply at the next Meeting of the Caboolture Divisional Board for permission to ERECT a LICENSED GATE on my property at Villeneuve, between Portions 65 and 66, in the parish of Kilcoy, and I also undertake to ERECT the said GATE according to the particulars, set forth in the Divisional Boards Act.
Ref: The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld) Saturday 6 June 1896.

Properties for Sale.
Splendidly adapted for Fattening or Dairying purposes
MACTAGGART BROS, have received instructions from Mr. Henry Julius to offer for sale by public auction, at the Imperial Hotel, Brisbane, on TUESDAY, 30th March, at Twelve o'clock,
Situated Parish of Kilcoy, Morton district, distant fifty five miles from Enoggera Saleyards and twenty-five miles from Caboolture Station, on the North Coast Railway, with which place it is connected by a daily coach.
The area of the estate is 3900 acres of good grazing and agricultural land, having eight miles frontage to permanent water in the Stanley River, besides never failing creeks and lagoons. Subdivided into five grazing and two cultivation paddocks. The Property is well improved, the buildings and fencing being in flrst class repair.
A Creamery is to be erected shortly about one mile from the property.
Terms: One-third cash; balance at 1, 2, and 3 years, at 6 per cent.
For further particulars apply to
Ref: The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld) Saturday 6 March 1897 also Saturday 20 March 1897.

Splendidly Adapted for Fattening or Dairying Purposes.
Have received instructions from Mr. Henry Julius, to offer for Sale by Public Auction. At the Imperial Hotel, Brisbane, on TUESDAY, March 30, at 12 o'clock,
Situated parish, of Kilcoy, Morton district distant 55 miles from Enoggera Saleyards and 25 miles from Caboolture station, on the North Coast Railway, with which place it is connected by a daily coach.
The area of the Estate is 3,900 acres of good grazing and agricultural land, having eight miles frontage to permanent water in the Stanley River, besides never failing creeks and lagoons. Subdivided into five grazing and two cultivation paddocks. The Property is well improved, the buildings and fencing being in first-class repair.
A creamery is to be erected shortly about one mile from the Property.
Terms, one-third cash, balance at 1, 2, and 3 years, at 6 per cent.
For Further Particulars apply to
Ref: The Week (Brisbane, Qld) Friday 12 March 1897 also Friday 26 March 1897.

Julius Jottings. January 1900. No 1.
22nd October 1899.
Your welcome letter was forwarded on to me at Caloundra from which charming little spot we returned last Wednesday after most enjoyable fortnight's holiday, which has done us all much good, but, oh, how delightful it is to get home again ! Never was there a truer saying than " there's no place like home," even it is only a bark hut. Somehow one never gets so comfortable a bed as at home, and then, when one is in our line; it is so particularly interesting to find how everything has grown, animal as well as vegetable Really my farm is quite a picture-potatoes looking A1, and oats nearly fit to mow. I have so large a crop in this year that I am obliged to go in for a mowng machine, Which is a ruinous investment (about L20), as well as building a hay shed, which, I fear, will cost as much more at least.
I have serious thoughts of sending 20 or 30 tons of chaff to the Transvaal, but don't know exactly how to consign it, as I don't know any agents there. We have had a magnificent season so far, although a slightly eccentric one, as we got three consecutive nights of frost at the beginning of this month, which did a lot of damage to some of the crops, notably to the wheat on the Darling Downs, thousands of acres being destroyed, as it was in the ear, and the following week the heat was something terrific, over 100 deg. in the shade at Brisbane We are just beginning to want a few showers as the sun is getting powerful, and drying up the top soil . . . . .
I hope you notice our patriotism in sending our little quota of troops to help fight the Queen's battles. I am writing by this mail for the song " Soldiers of the Queen," which I heard sung the other day, and admired very much . . . . .
I hope you got the photos all right; you will observe that I am really (as the black fellow aptly remarked) getting; quite barefooted on the top of the head.
Your affectionate Brother,

Julius Jottings: April 1900 No2
Letter from H. J. JULIUS, Esq.
Dear Julius,
Your letter of October 1st reached me at a favourable opportunity for ensuring a reply, as I am on the shelf for a week or two as far as hard work goes, with a broken head and fractured ribs ; thanks however, to the naturally adamantine properties of the former, no actual fracture took place, only abrasions ; and owing to my unimpaired appetite (and drinkitite), I am able to keep the latter sufficiently distended to keep them from pressing on my lungs.
And now as regards our Australian letter for the Jottings.
Dear Mr. Editor,
Some scientist has lately given out the astonishing fact that the sun is burning itself out, and that in the course of a very few years it will have lost all its heat. What the result will be to us on our little planet, I am not geologist enough to say, but I presume it will be chaos.
Strangely enough the weather we have been lately experiencing seems to further this bold theory, and some there are who are actually getting nervous and apprehensive that there may be some truth in this alarming prophecy.
No later than September in this year we had sharp frosts, which made havoc with the early crops of potatoes, pumpkins and maize, besides destroying hundreds of thousands of bushels of wheat on the fertile Darling Downs. These frosts were almost immediately succeeded by a heat wave, when life became .a burden with the thermometer at 108 deg Fahr. on the shady side of Queen Street, Brisbane.
Our weather-clerk, Mr. Clement Wragge however, has subsequently let us down with more congenial temperature and we had real Queen's weather to send our boys off on board the " Cornwall " to help the Imperial troops give the Boers the thrashing they deserve.
Here, in our immediate district, things are humming: two new saw-mills in full swing, timber, the principal product of this district, at a record price, and a new railway to Woodford actually being surveyed. Owing to the abundance of grass and water everywhere, farm and dairy produce are in good supply and prices consequently only moderate, which makes it hard for the farmers living more than twenty miles from a railway station to compete with their more favourably-situated brethren of the plough.
Best fat stock are keeping up well, in fact, better than they have been for years probably in consequence of the large contracts secured by the Baynes Bros. and other large meat-exporting firms from the Imperial Government. Maize is still keeping up to an exorbitant price, but the new crop will be fit for market in the early districts before Christmas, when we may expect a substantial reduction in values. Now that federation is un fait accompli, we shall probably find a more evenly regulated market throughout the Colonies, although I fear Queensland will have an uphill fight for the first few years, malgre her magnificent soil and unequalled timber. It is the population we are deficient in, and the mouths to consume our products. I am glad to say we have now got a medical man in our midst ; he is a son of Mr. Butler, my neighbour of Kilcoy, and has just returned to Queensland after satisfactorily completing his medical education in London. We are subscribing a retainer of L150 a year for him, which, with his general practice, ought to give him a fair income. Accidents, I regret to say, have been rather numerous here of late; broken bones of all sorts, including a smashed skull belonging to a little chap of five, which our local medico cleverly trepanned.
The Brisbane wool sales blossomed forth this year, and promise to be a huge success, as each one, so far, has exceeded its predecessor, both in the quantity of wool and price obtained last month's topping the Colonial market.
Wishing you, dear Mr Editor and all readers of Jottings, a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year,
I remain,
Yours truly,
A Queensland Contributor.

Julius's Jottings, June 1901 No 5
Dec. 4th 1900.
Dear Mr. Editor,
Many thanks for the Jottings No 3, which arrived safely by Saturdays mail. Although I fear it will be too late for January's issue, I am sending you an account of a trip we had to the seaside which may prove interesting to some of your readers.
On Tuesday morning, Sept 18th, everybody was up and about very shortly after daybreak, packing portmanteaus and "tucker" boxes, running up horses, greasing buggies, etc. However, it was fully 9 o'clock before a start was made, my wife driving two children and Mrs. Thomas, the governess, in the buggy, whilst I followed in the big 4-horse waggonette, and my little girl and her cousin, aged respectively 9 and 11, rode their ponies. About 1 o'clock we find ourselves 24 miles on our journey when we camp for dinner, boil the family "billy" (Anglice) kettle], and feed ourselves and horses. After an hour and a-half spell, harness up again and away, over a road that gets worse every mile, to poor Mrs. Thomas' horror and dismay, who is not much accustomed to bush travelling.
Now I am in the lead to show the best track to the buggy, the children occasionally getting off their ponies and riding with me and letting the intelligent little creatures run behind, but they are soon glad to jump on their ponies again, as the bumps and ruts are something to be remembered, and are liable to cause a chromic desire to remain in a standing position for days afterwards. Soon after sundown, in spite of bad roads, the vicious attacks of mosquitoes and a few minor evils, Grigor's is sighted, which is our objective for to-day, and after feeding our horses and selves, and a little music on a rather aged piano, we turn into the snowy, sweet-smelling beds of which Mrs Grigor is so justly famous. The following morning after a slight breakfast, consisting of ham and eggs, fried cutlets, cold chicken and corned beef, with tea and coffee, we make a fair start at 7a.m., the horses none the worse for their 41 miles run yesterday; and now we are in the middle of those wonderful freaks of nature the Glasshouse Mountains, of which the following are some of the names: Beerwah, Beerburrum, Buderim, and many others that, even if I could remember, I could not possibly spell.
Before long Johnny Simpson's is reached, a long-headed Britisher and a personal friend of mine, who combines the professions of hotel-keeper, saw-miller, blacksmith and wheelwright, teamster and a few others. At the present time he owns 4 14-horse, and 5 20-bullock trains, so his forage bill for the month is pretty stiff, totaling something over 150 pounds. After a cursory inspection of his stud horses and apiary, and pockets full of oranges and lemons from his orchard, away we go, reaching Landsborough at 11am., 11 miles from where we started this morning. After getting the requisite stores, we start our final 16 miles and reach Caloundra, one of the most beautiful seaside spots I have ever had the good luck to visit, fairly early in the afternoon, and find our 'furnished house' swept and garnished, and really most comfortable, with the long breakers of the Pacific dashing on the shore 200 yards away. The usual sound keeps us awake, for nearly 11/2 minutes after we have sought our "downies", and the next morning's sun peeps at us over the waste of waters, up to our necks in them [the waters I mean].
After breakfast all hands and the cook go fishing, and more whiting, trevalli, rock-cod and tailor fish than we could eat in 3 days is the result; so after supplying the whole town, consisting of the telegraph operator, who is also the lighthouses-keeper, and the solitary boarding house keeper and his wife with a plentiful supply, we made for home, hot hungry and thirsty, where we were noisily welcomed by our 8 horses, who are beginning to think it is quite dinner-time. A little duck, snipe, and wallaby shooting vary the day's picture, and an occasional drive to Landsborough for stores serve to fill up a most intensely pleasurable fortnight's holiday.
Although we regret saying good-bye to the lighthouse-keeper and the boarding-house keeper, yet we are not really sorry to get back home and see how the stock has increased, and the pigs fattened, and the crops grown, and the thousand and one things that make a farmer's life so intensely interesting.
Henry J Julius.

Queensland Electoral Roll 1903 - 1908.
Julius Henry John - Stanley Gates Hotel, Moreton, Stone Hse, Lic Victualler.

An assault case, Wilhelm Kassulke v.Henry John Julius, came on for hearing before the Police Magistrate, at the Esk Police
Court, on Wednesday last. Mr. Smith appeared for the conmplainant, and Mr. E. J. Pender for the defendant.
Evidence for the prosecution was given by E. F. V. Kassulke, Ben Bryant, and the complainant, and for the defence by the defendant, Mrs. Isabella Julius, and Nellie and Minnie Burns. The defendant was convicted and discharged under section 343 of the Criminal Code, which provides that, in a case where the Magistrate is of opinion that the offence is of such a trivial nature as not to be deserving of punishmenot, he may convict the defendant and discharge him without imposing a penalty.
Ref: Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld) Saturday 27 June 1903.

At the above Court yesterday before C. Burchell and E, G. Ling, Esq., J. J, P.,
Walter Sherwood v Henry John Julius, work and labour performed, claim L35/6/0.
Notice of defence filed 22/5/23, but the case was undefended. Mr Havard appeared for plaintiff and
there was no appearance of defendant.
Judgment by default for claim L35/6/0, costs of court, 10/- professional costs L/3/3. witness's expenses, L1/10/-, total L40/9/0.
Ref: Bowen Independent (Qld) Saturday 26 May 1923.

Henry John Julius
Death Date 27 Aug 1932
Death Place Queensland
Father's Name Henry Richard
Mother's Name Mary Anne Butterworth
Registration Year 1932
Registration Place Queensland
Registration Number 003426
Page number 850

Mr. Henry John Julius, wlio died In Townsville recently, had seen long residence in Queensland. Born In Surrey, England, 75 years ago, the late Mr. Julius was one of a large family of the late Rev. H. R. Julius. He came to Queensland 45 years ago, and
during his long residence in Southern. Central and Western Queensland, he owned several fine holdings.
Ref: Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld) Thursday 8 September 1932

These are also taken to be death notices for Henry John.
Mr. Henry George Julius, of Gumlu, on the Bowen line, died in Townsville on Saturday last, at the age of 74. Mr.
Julius lived in the Bowen district for many years.
Ref: Bowen Independent (Qld) Saturday 3 September 1932

Mr. Henry George Julius, a resident of Gumlu, on the Bowen line, died in Townsvllle on Saturday, at the age ot 74. Mr. Julius had lived In the Bowen district for many years.
Ref: Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld) Monday 29 August 1932

bullet  Research Notes:

Unplaced H J Julius's.
A Mr H Y J Julius aged 33 arrived in Victoria March 1882 aboard the John Elder from Britain.

A Mr H J Julius born 1863, his wife born 1866 and an infant of 1 year, sailed on the 26 Feb 1892, sailed from London to Sydney on the Oratavia.

Also a Mr H J Julius Clerk sailed on the 26 Nov 1909 from London to Brisbane on the Orvieto.


bullet  Other Records

1. Census: England, 3 Apr 1881, 18 Caroline St Westminster LND. Henry is recorded as a boarder single aged 22 a law student born Farnham


Henry married Isabella CRAIN [2732] [MRIN: 330], daughter of Irvine CRAIN [2711] and Mary Eleanor MOORE [2728], on 27 May 1886 in Wallsend Newcastle NSW Aust. (Isabella CRAIN [2732] was born in 1865 in Wagga Wagga, N.S.W., Aust and died on 24 Jun 1952 in Qld..)

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