Descendants of John Alston of Newton by Sudbury Suffolk

First Generation  Next

1. ALSTON Family Background [26914] .

General Notes:
Mary Terbrack an Alston descendant, genealogist, amorist and analyst, has suggested a "Time Line" of Alston references down through the centuries. In a somewhat unusual approach an individual file is used, for the often random data collected on the family for that century.

The Alstons sprang not from any " Battle Abbey" or Norman baronial stirp, but as Guppy puts it from that "great body of freeholders the yeomanry of the middle ages, a body which in antiquity of possession and purity of extraction was probably superior to the classes that looked down upon it as ignoble." It would be interesting however to know how Guppy carries the antiquity of possession through the centuries when feudalism prevailed, and what exactly he means by purity of extraction in connection with that " thorough bred mongrel " an Englishman.
Lionel Cresswell
Stemmatta Alstoniana Pg 351

According to Lionel Cresswell in Stemmata Alstoniana a John Alston of Newton in Suffolk is the most remote ancestor in the direct connected line. But of him there is little known except that he is stated to have been descended from a William of Stisted in Essex, in the time of Edward I (1272-1307).

Newton or Niwetona
The author of Magna Britannia makes this Lordship to have been anciently vested in William de Butvillein ; probably Newton Hall manor, which now belongs to Earl Howe ; and Buxton's a freehold farm to which a manor was formerly attached, is the property of the Rev. Henry Thomas Causton, of Highgate, in Middlesex. Saxham (Sayham, or Siam) Hall, in this parish, was for many ages the estate and residence of the Alstons, a family upon record so early as the time of Edward I. ; when Willam Alston, of Stisted, in Essex, for want of warranty of Brockscroft, in Stisted, granted and confirmed to John de Carpenter, of Naylinghurst, in Braintree, so much of the better land in Stisted except his mansion house there. John Alston, of Newton, descended from the above mentioned William, of Stisted, and was father of William Alston, of Newton ; who by Anne his wife, daughter of Thomas Symons, had a son and heir, Edward (or Edmund) Alston, of Saxham Hall, in Newton ; who married Elizabeth, daughter of John Coleman, and had two sons : William, his heir ; and Thomas, of Edwardston. William, the elder son and heir, was born at Newton, in 1537, and married Mary, daughter and co-heir of . . . . . Holmsted, Esq., of Maplested, in Essex ; by whom he had issue several children, whose descendants became settled at Marlesford, Polstead, Lavenham, and various other places in this and adjoining counties. Thomas Alston, baptized at Newton in 1713, buried there in 1787, appears to be the last of the family who resided here. Edward, his son, married Frances, daughter and heir of Daniel Constable, of Manningtree, in Essex, and became settled there ; whose son, Edward Daniel Alston, Esq., lately deceased at Palgrave, in this county. The Rev. Edward Constable Alston, of Cransford Hall and vicar of that parish, his only son, is the present representative of this branch of the family. Siam Hall is now the estate of Thomas Layzell Tiffen, Esq., who resides there ; but the Alstons still retain property in this parish. The church, dedicated to All Saints, was formerly in the patronage of the Alston family, but now of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. A law rector, George Borlase, B.D., was Casuistical Professor, and Registrar of that University, and for many years Fellow and Tutor of the said College.He was son of the Rev William Borlase author of The Natural History of Cornwall etc; and deceased Nov 5 1809. Charles Smith, B.D. is the present incumbant.
Charities: The rent charge doles here, amounting to £1 16s 8d, the gifts of William Alston, in 1564, Edward Alston, in 1591, and others are collected once in seven years and distributed in money amongst the poor persons of the parish.
Supplement to Suffolk Traveller, Augustine Page, 1844; Pg 956

In 1870-72, John Goring's Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales described Newton like this:
NEWTON-NEAR-SUDBURY, a parish in Sudbury district, Suffolk; 3.25 miles E of Sudbury r. station. Post-town, Sudbury. Acres, 2, 197. Real property, L3, 561. Pop., 529. Houses, 102. The manor of Newton Hall belongs to Earl Howe; and the manor of Botelers, to the Rev. T. H. Causton. The living is a rectory in the diocese of Ely. Value, L597.* Patron, St. Peter's College Cambridge. The church is ancient; retains a Norman arch, which was formerly a doorway; and comprises nave and chancel, with S porch and a tower. There are a Primitive Methodist chapel and a national school.

An Alston is mentioned as a Freeman in the Manor of Eye Suffolk, at the time of Edward the Confessor 1042-1066.
At the time of the Norman Survey and Alston was a Freeman of Great Bealings
Ref: The Manors of Suffolk.

The English Baronets - a genealogical and historical account of their families.
Thomas Wooton 1741 page 309
Sayham-Hall, in Newton, was anciently the seat of the Alstons for many hundred years, from whence that family hath spread itself into several counties.
It's certainly a family of great antiquity, and said to be of Saxon extraction, though the origin of them cannot be traced at this time of day. We find them mentioned so early as Edward the first's reign (1272-1307) when William Alston, of Stisted, in Essex, for want of Warranty of Brockscroft, in Stisted, did grant and confirm to John de carpenter of Naylinghurst, so much of his better land in Stisted, except his mansion-house there.
In Edward the third's time, Hugh Alston did bear for Arms, Azure, ten Stars, , 4., 3, 2, x. which was long before coatarmour was granted by patents.
After some descents from the abovesaid William Alflon, of Stisted, the lineal descendant of this family was John Alston, of Newton, in Suffolk, to whom Henry VII. granted a fair house, called the Green-Gate, in Lime-street Ward, London. He was father of William, who by the daughter of --- Symons, had issue Edward, of Sayham-hall, in Newton, who took to wife a daughter of Mr. Colman, by whom he had two sons, I. William, of Sayham, of whom hereafter; 2. Thomas, of Edwardston, in Suffolk, who married, first, Dorothy, one of the daughters and co-heirs of Holmsted, of Maplefied, in Essex, by whom he had Edward Alston, of Edwardston, Esq; His second wife was , by whom he had Thomas Alston, of Newton, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas West, of London, and had issue, Thomas Alston, of Newton. Edward Alston, of Edwardsion, aforesaid, married Margaret, daughter of Arthur Penning, of Kettleborouh in Suffolk, Esq; by whom he had Sir Edward Alston, of London, Knt. Doctor in Physick, and President of the College of Physicians, Joseph Alston, of Chelsea, Esq; ancestor to the present Sir Evelyn Alston, Bart. of whom in the third volume, and Penning Alston, of London. Sir Edward, married Susan, daughter of Christopher Hudson, of Norwich, by whom he had two daughters, I. Mary, married to Sir James Langham,

The Norman Survey of Suffolk Manors shows a freeman Alston holding lands in demesne of Hervey of Bourges in Great Bealings.

Research Notes:
Stemmatta Alstoniana see Books Section on this website contains many snippets of information on the Alston Family collected by Lionel Cresswell, and is a must browse by any Alston researcher.

See below for Transcriptions from Parish Registers:
Alston St Gregory Sudbury SFK
Alston St Peter Sudbury SFK
Alston All Saints Sudbury SFK.

Has contributed this Collection of Medieval References to the Alston Family.
Presented in no particular order.

In summary it appears there are links between:
Alestan and Stambourne from Domesday Book and The Law by Robin Fleming. Cambridge University Press.
ii 100b (0-33) Annexations (invasiones) against the King; Stambourne: TRE Aethelstan, a freeman, and twelve other freemen held forty acres of land in Stambourne. They still have it.
Alestan of Stambourne (1086) and Alestan of West Ham (1086) via Ranulph De Peverel.
Ranulph Peveral was granted Alestans land at West Ham by William I

The Peveral family were granted Stambourne by Henry III
Alliston of Stanfeld (1224) and Alestan of Stambourne (1086) via the place name Stanfeld and Alestan Bec Road West Ham (postcode E16) .
De Vere and Alestan of West Ham via a writ of Henry I (1129)

Gernon and West Ham via the Domesday Book , (Alestans land was split between Ralph Peveral and Robert Gernon )
Robert De Veres daughter Eleanor and Sir Ralph Gernon by marriage (about 1220).
A/Elliston and De Vere via the wills of John De Vere (13th Earl of Oxford ) and John De Vere (16th Earl of Oxford) <

A/Elliston and De Vere by the records of Earls Colne (1600s)>
Hugh Austyn (Allstyn) and De Vere via the Medieval Soldiers Muster Role of 1415.

Alliston and Stanfeld via a feet of fines record in 1224 indicating that the Allistons already held land there.

Alestan and Aethelstan via the land holding at West Ham which was originally granted to an Aethelstan in 958 by King Edgar. This could be Bishop Aethelstan or Ealdorman Aethelstan. 958 was the year that King Edgar was looking for support from his foster Father Ealdorman Aethelstan of East Anglia (Half King). Name and land are consistant with inheritance.

Richard De Clare ( Lord of Stanfeld) and Aethelstan Earldorman of East Anglia via Bec Abbey and their holdings near Wallingford.

Richard De Clare and Ealdorman Aethelstan via St Neots, Cambridgeshire. Richard re-founds the priory at St Neots which was originally founded by Leofric the grandson of Aethelstan via his son Aethelweard.
Hart (1973) = Cyril Hart, "Athelstan 'Half King' and his family", Anglo-Saxon England 2 (1973): 115-144.

Aethelstan Ealdorman of East Anglia and Eadric his brother
Eadric and Aethelweard the historian
Aethelweard the historian and Aethelred I of Wessex

Obviously these are just links but it does pose the question is the reason the Motto of the Alstons Immotus because they were not moved after the invasion by William I ?

The stars could be a play on the stars of De Vere who was probably their chosen feudal Lord, Stistead is very close to Castle Hedingham base of De Vere

The name Hugh could derive from Hugh De Vere 4th Earl of Oxford. The Allistons may have moved from Stanfeld to Stistead to join him in 1224 switching their allegience from De Clare to De Vere.
More complex notes below:
Kind regards

Most historians think that names ending in ton are place derived names from a farmstead or Manor, in our case though it could be the ending is ston derived from Stone.

Earliest recorded use of the surname in Suffolk was the 1224 Feet of Fines when John son of Adam de Alliston sold land at Stanfeld. (See Pictures) Note the discrepancy, the image says that John son of Adam purchased the land whereas the full transcript from another document records that he sold it.
This is the final concord, made in the court of our Lord the King at Westminster in the Octave of Saint Martin in the ninth year of the reign of king Henry the son of John [11 Nov 1224].
Before Martin de Pateshill1, Thomas de Muleton, Thomas de Hardham, Robert de Lexin[g]ton [and] Geoffrey Savage, Justiciars, and other faithful subjects of our Lord the King then and there present.
Between John the son of Adam de Alliston, complainant and Robert de Ernestedel defendant, concerning thirty acres of land, with the appurtenances in Stanfeld. In respect whereof there was a plea between them in the aforesaid land, with the appurtenances, to the right of the same Robert.
To have and to hold to the same Robert and his heirs, of the aforesaid John and his heirs for ever.
Yielding annually in respect thereof six shillings, at two terms of the year, that is to say,one half at Easter and the other half at the Feast of Saint Micheal, for all service and exaction. And for this recognizance, fine and agreement, the aforesaid Robert has given to the same John twenty four shillings sterling.
And it is to be known that the aforesaid Robert and his heirs will acquit the same land against the chief lords of the fee in that place of the services which pertain to them in respect thereof.

1 Martin de Pateshill stood in for the King when Henry III was a minor (to young to rule) Henry III declared himself of age in 1227.

There was a place called Alston in Suffolk near Trimley St Martin, although originally in the Domesday Book it was called Alteinestuna, it is in the hundred of Colne. Alston Hall still exists.It consisted of an Alliston Church and Alliston street, now long gone but the cemetry was found in the 1700s. The church was consolidated to Trimley St Martin in 1362. This is about the time when English replaced French as the official language of England. Alteines is a Gallic word meaning stone of fire and is associated with sorcery.

Stansfeld had two Tenants in Chief in 1086, Richard son of Count Gilbert (De Clares) and The Abbey of Bury St Edmunds. Stansfeld and Clare (from whence Richard De Clare takes his name) are just North of Stambourne where an Anglo Saxon called Alestan had his manor in 1086.

From Domesday Book and The Law by Robin Fleming. Cambridge University Press.
ii 100b (0-33) Annexations (invasiones) against the King; Stambourne: TRE Aethelstan, a freeman, and twelve other freemen held forty acres of land in Stambourne. They still have it.
Alestan is the middle English version of Aethelstan which means noble stone.

The Stambourne parish website ( gives the hypothesis that Stambourne ( originally stanbourne) was named after Alestan, who held a manor there, it was called Stanburn in early feet of fines. Alestan was Lord in 1066 and still held tenancy in 1088. The family of Alestan seemed to have stayed in the manor until the time of Henry III
(Stambourne Website

It was at this time that the surname Alliston appears at Stansfield not far from Stambourne and if Stambourne was derived from Alestan then it seems quite plausible that Stansfield was as well. The website also mentions that this Alestan may have been the same one who held West Ham which was given to Peverel and Gernon. An Alestan is mentioned as Lord of the Manor in Ham London in 1066. If you look at the place names in Newham (which is the currrent name for that location) there is a road called Alestan Beck, beck being an old Germanic word for stream. It adjoins Stansfeld road and is not far from Sudbury road. The fact that the Peverel family also later held both Stambourne in North Essex and the Ham manor near London suggests they were part of the same Estate. The place names seem to confirm this and link it to Alestan, with Alliston also being associated with Stansfeld. Alestan Beck road was created in the 1900s but where a stream used to flow, so originally it probably did refer to the stream. A Map of Alestans Manor in Newham can be found here
From the Calendar of Royal Documents Henry I
91. Writ of H I, ordering Aubrey de Vere, sheriff of Essex, to convene the shire court concerning the dispute between the abp. of Canterbury and the abbot of Westminster concerning the land of Alestan [in West Ham]; to cause a verdict to be delivered on who has the better title, and to put him lawfully in seisin. Westminster [1129, ante Nov.]

Cal: Regesta II, no. 1539.
Date: Attested by Nigel d'Aubigny, who d. in Normandy in Nov. 1129 (Charters of the Honour of Mowbray, xviii and n. 2). Aubrey de Vere is recorded in office in 1130, and succeeded his predecessor after 1128 (Sheriffs, 43).
Note: Alestan held a manor of eight hides, thirty acres in West Ham TRE, and this was given by W I to Rannulf Peverel and Robert Gernon (DB II, ff. 64, 72b).
Westminster Abbey seem to have acquired the land by 1144. see the book Westminster Abbey and Its People, C.1050-c.1216 By Emma Mason
Robert de Vere (c. 1164 - before 25 October 1221) had a daughter Eleanor, who married Sir Ralph Gernon of Easthorpe, Essex.
In Richard I'sts time a Daughter of Alstan was recorded in Dunwich. (Feet of Fines: 20 Belesent daughter of Alstan v. Reginald son of Robert in Dunwioh )
The last firstname Alstan mentioned in the feet of Fines is in the time of King John when Geoffrey son of Alstan bought land from William Son of Alstan at Westhall, Suffolk.

A Feet of Fines in the time of Henry III;
Thomas Alleston Clerk and Others vs. John Castre of London and Margaret his wife in Cantebrigg (Cambridge).

144 - John son of Adam de Alliston v. Robert deErnestedel in Stanfeld
Another early listing in the time of Edward II:
Pg 119 25 William Alston of Ixnyng and Margaret his wife v. Henry Alston of Ixnyng in Ixnyng (Exning near Newmarket)
pg157 11 Williem son of Alan Alston and Margaret his wife and John his son v. Thomas Skeppe of Ixnyng chaplain in Ixnyng Suffolk Feet of Fines 1189 - 1485

Lionel Cresswell
Stemmata Alstoniana
Prefatory Chapter (1905)
The early Alstons, that is to say, those of whom we catch occasional and stray glimpses prior to 1564, appear to have belonged to, "that great body of Freeholders, the yeomanry of the Middle Ages, a body which, in antiquity of possession and purity of extraction, was probably superior to the classes that looked down upon it as ignoble." 1 The English yeomen in the past were a stay-at-home people, passing uneventful lives on their own acres, which frequently remained in the hands of the same family for five or six generations, and were handed on from father to son with a regularity that betokened long life and but natural decay. Each died as a rule well stricken in years, piously bequeathing in his last will and testament his soul to God, his body to the earth from whence it came, and his lands to his descendants. In nearly every county there are yet to be found several families of yeomen living in the same quiet remote parishes in which their ancestors resided two centuries or more ago. Each family is represented in the Church Register by an uninterrupted succession of entries of births, marriages, .and deaths, in which the same Christian names occur over and over again in genealogist. a manner very confusing to the These Registers, however, do not usually commence at an earlier date than the sixteenth century, and as a rule, therefore, are not of much service in throwing light on the origin of a family.

"From the wills of the yeomen of 250 or 300 years ago we can extract much that throws an interesting light on their ways of life, and a little, too, that in the musty parchment still preserves its pathos, and may supply us often with the only information we possess of many an unhistoric line, and these somewhat monotonous characters are eminently suggestive of peaceful and contented lives. The usual bequests to the Church and to the Poor, .and the promise of twelve or twenty pence to the ringers for the ringing of their knells, indicate the simple faith and religious practice of our yeomen ancestors. The well-to-do yeoman bequeathed to his eldest son his principal belongings, his house, his acres, his "waynes and plough geare," his live stock, and a few hundred pounds; to his wife a house, a feather-bed furnished and 10 pounds a year, 30 shillings to be paid quarterly.; to his other sons two kine apiece ; to his daughters a silver spoon and a cow apiece, to be delivered into their own hands, and not into their husband's ; to his grandchildren a sheep apiece ; to a favourite niece a black heifer or a white ewe ; 20 shillings to the poor, and 20 shillings to the Church, and "20 pence to the ringers for the ringing of my knell."

"Usually these ancient yeomen were but little affected by the wars and political factions of their times. were not troubled with ambition, and few cared to wander far from the vicinity of their birth-place. From the stationary conditions of their lives and from the nature of their pursuits and surroundings, they acquired a solid mediocrity of character to which the long persistence of families in the same locality and in the same station is mainly due. England in truth owes much to their lack of aspiration, and to their home loving ways. It is, however, remarkable that the rise of a family into a condition of opulence is, as a rule, shortly followed by its dispersal, until, within a generation or two, the home of the name for centuries knows it no more."2

Of the origin of the name Alston as a surname it is difficult to speak with certitude. It is probable that the first permanent surnames were the appellations of the place of birth, or residence, or of a favourite ancestor. Surnames were not in use in England and Scotland before the Norman Conquest, and they are first to be found in the Domesday Book. Many surnames such as Mortimer, Warren, Mowbray, Clifford, Arundel, and the like which are " accounted great names of antiquity " (according to Camden), were first assumed at the time of the Conquest. The employment of a second name, a custom introduced by the Normans, who themselves had not long before adopted it became in course of time a mark of gentle blood, and it was deemed a disgrace for a gentleman to have but one single name, as the meaner sort had." It was not, however, until the reign of Edward II. that the practice had become general amongst the common people. " Coming to the origin of surnames, we have it from Camden that those most ancient and of best account were derived from places in Normandy, or in the neighbouring parts of France, and that, in fact, there was no village in Normandy that gave not its name to some family in England. However, a far greater number of family names originated from places, there being, as Camden observes, scarcely a town, village, hamlet, or place in England which has not afforded names to families. The ancient manors gave their names to their lords, and the numberless small estates similarly gave their names to their possessors. In the great majority of cases, as Camden well remarks, the place bore its name before the family did its surname, and the old antiquary becomes a little wrathful with those men who "think their ancestors gave names to places."3 Now there are several places in England bearing the name Alston, to which I shall advert more fully, and near one of them, Alston in Lancashire, there are to be found persons having the name as a surname. Nevertheless, the close connection between Alston and the Saxon personal name Alstan or Ealhstan, cannot be lightly passed over in favour of the place name theory. It has been a subject of discussion whether the Anglo-Saxons did not use surnames. There is no question that they frequently distinguished themselves by appellations added to their original or Christian name to indicate some personal peculiarity office, trade, affinity, or possession.4 One Saxon M.S. seems clearly
1 Stubb's Constitutional History of England, 1884, iii., 569.
2 Guppy's Homes of Family Names in Great Britain, p. 1-3, Lond., 1890.
3 Guppy's Homes of Family Names in Great Britain, p,p., 15-16.
4 Turner's History of the Anglo-Saxons, Vol. 3, ch. vii, p. 8.

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to express an actual surname, that of Hatte a whole family bearing it.5 Granting the occasional assumption of surnames by the Anglo-Saxons, and bearing in mind that one probable source of surnames was the desire to exhibit descent from or kinship with some prominent person, it is possible that the surname Alston is the direct lineal representative of the Saxon name Alstan. An argument in favour of this also is that the position and possessions of the family in East Anglia, so far back as any account can be unearthed, were of a nature to render less probable the idea of the migration thither of the founder of the family from any of the places Alston in times subsequent to the general adoption of surnames. The growth and ramification over a county of a family of importance was necessarily a slower process in ancient days, ridden as the country was with tortuous feudal restrictions, forbidding the free passage of either land from man to man, or man from land to land, than in these days of millionaires and motors. Whatever doubt there may be as to the derivation of the surname from the place name there can be little or none as to the substantial agreement of both in meaning. The situations of the places denominated Alston, on the stony slopes of barren moors and fells indicate the relevancy of the appellation, and the weakness of ancient Anglo-Saxon parents for indulging their vanity by dubbing their children with fantastic and lofty names was as pronounced as it is in the case of the modern Anglo-Saxons their children " Gulf-wolf, and Stan-stone, were things possessing qualities they desired to cultivate in their offsprings, hence both were frequently compounded with adjectives for use as proper names. Of names with stan as a termination there are many instances: Dunstan - the mountain stone, Aethelstan - the noble stone, Alfstan - the elf stone, Hebstan, Werstan, &c., besides Ealhstan or Alstan. Verstegan in his Restitution of Decayed Intelligence, thought the meaning of Alston was " most noble" or " excellent." The termination of the name apparently escaped him altogether, A punning allusion to the meaning seems to have supplied the family mottoes, "Immobilis" and "Immotus" and another more obscure analogy seems to account for stars being chosen for the armorial bearings. Turning to the places called Alston we find there are four. The most important of these is Alston in Cumberland, the next Alston in Lancashire, the third Alstonfield (or Alstonefield) on the borders of Derbyshire and Staffordshire, then Alston on the borders of Gloucestershire and Worcestershire. There is also a town called Beer Alston in Devonshire. I have seen Alciston in county Devon written Al'ston. With one of these only, Alston in Lancashire is the surname now-a-days to be found in any way connected. Supposing the surname to have been adopted from the place, it would thus appear that Alston in Lancashire has the first claim to be considered the cunabula gentis, but I will make no pretence at a decision. It may not however be amiss to consider briefly the topography of these different places. Each has its possibilities as the home of the race and is therefore of interest. Alston in Lancashire is a township in the ecclesiastical district of Longridge, on the western side of Longridge Fell, forming a part of that village in the hundred of Amounderness, six and a half miles north-east from Preston, and near to the Longridge Station, on the Preston and Longridge Railway. Longridge Church is in the township. The area is 1,989 acres, chiefly applied to pasture and meadow; its rateable value is L7,800, and the population in 1881 was 1,589. The earliest historical trace we have of inhabitants in Lancashire is by the names of the rivers, of which the Lune, or Alauna, the Seteia, and Belisarna, afford evidence that that this was known to, or occupied by, the Iberians, like the other Western portions of the Island. Whether it was included in the Belgian occupation is unknown, but the Romans found there the great Celtic tribe of the Brigantes; this was overcome by Agricola, and the district was brought within the Roman Province of Maxima Caesariensis. By the Romans, it was as thickly settled as the rest of the island, but of this occupation only the ancient names of a few stations remain, although there are many names given by the Early English inhabitants which bear witness to the Roman occupation. The Roman Road, Watling Street, passed from Manchester north-west through Blackburn to Ribchester ; other roads were south-east from Manchester and south-west into Cheshire ; one westward in the direction of Warrington, and from Pendleton near Manchester roads diverge north-west to Blackrod near Chorley, and north-east into Yorkshire. On the decline of the Romans the district was occupied by the Welsh, and commonly formed part of the Kingdom of Cambria, which was occasionally independent, and occasionally under the supremacy of the English Commonwealth of North Cambria. About 680 King Egfrid overcame part of the shire, but although gradually and regularly occupied by the English, it did not wholly fall into their power till the time of King Edward the Elder, about 921. The topography is very deficient in the names of the great English clans which mark the epoch of early invasion ; and the names of places derived from persons belong chiefly to a much later date. The county is mountainous in the north and east, level in the south and west. In some parts are peaty and boggy stretches called Mosses, the result of the growth of a kind of moss called "Spaghagnum" but most of these peaty lands are now drained and yield excellent crops. Specimens of the stone tools which were used by the earliest human inhabitants of our island have not occurred very plentifully in Lancashire, objects of a large and conspicuous nature only having been found. Alston in Cumberland is comparatively a much larger and more important place than Alston in Lancashire, although itself only a small market and union town with a terminal parish on the road from Penrith to Newcastle. It is the head of a County Court district, with a station on a branch from Haltwhistle of the North-Eastern Railway; fifty miles from Newcastle by rail, and nineteen north-east from Penrith by road. The town is somewhat irregularly built, situated in a mountainous district between the rivers South Tyne and Nent ; rising from nine hundred to a thousand feet above the level of the sea, and surrounded by mountains rising to nearly three thousand feet. The Church has been thrice built, first in 1154, on the same site in 1768, and again in 1869 -70. There is a Town Hall, a handsome Gothic building of stone. The Market Cross in the centre of the Market-place is a square covered building open on all sides, having in the centre a stone column rising to the roof. It is the reproduction of a former Cross built in 1765 by the Right Honourable Sir William Stephenson, Bart., Lord Mayor of London, a native of the district. There are various Institutes and Clubs. A weekly Market is held on Saturdays, and Fairs for horses and cattle several times a year. Silver is always found in the lead ore. Copper and " Black Jack," or native sulphide of zinc, and umber are found. "Crow Coal" a peculiar variety having very little flame, burning slowly with an intense heat, and used principally for lime burning, is found on Alston Moor. There are limestone
5 Cott. M.S. Lib. B. 6.

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quarries, limestone breaking and umber works, a knit hosiery factory, two corn mills, a saw mill, and a small colliery near Ayleburn. There are many natural beauties and curiosities in the neighbourhood. Nent Force is a romantic cascade of considerable height, and just below it the river Nent joins the South Tyne. Large caverns are met with in the lead mines, and being formed of variegated spar in numberless forms of crystallization, present a very beautiful and even splendid appearance. The Roman road called the "Maiden Way" crossed the west side of the parish, where its remains are very distinct in several places. An inscribed altar has been found here ; at Hall Hill are the remains of a Roman Camp, in which silver denarii have been met with, and two bronze vessels. At Ganigill is a field called "Chesters." Upon Hall Hill, a little below Tyne Bridge, and opposite the confluence of the Nent and South Tyne, are the foundations of an ancient fortress once surrounded by a moat. Tutman's Hole is a large cavern in Gildersdale Forest of unknown length, but said to have been explored for more than a mile from its mouth. Small Trout abound in the rivers and grouse upon the moor, where grow clustered brambles like cranberries, commonly called "cloudberries." The country-side dwellers therein and their manners have been well described in a recently published volume of tales. Of the aborigines of Cumberland nothing is said to be known, but some of the geographical names are supposed to attest Iberian occupation, as the Tyne, Tees, and Nent. The Celts succeeded the Iberians, but the Belgae do not seem to have reached so far. Of supposed Drurdical remains there are many in the hills. At the time of the Roman invasion, the great Celtic tribes of the Brigantes had possession, and were beaten A.D. 1220 or 1221 by the Romans. Hadrian then caused the wall known by his name to be built from frith to frith across the island. Various Roman roads and stations are still to be traced besides the great Roman wall. The Scots and Picts harassed the county in the latter part of the Roman time and long after. The Welsh inhabitants constituted a kind of state, which has been called Cumbrian, extending from the Mersey to the Clyde. The English gradually pressed on the border and exterminated the Welsh, or drove them as exiles into Wales. Cumberland was then held as a dependency of the English in Northumbria or the Scotch lowlands. In 945 it was held by Malcolm, King of Scotland, and from time to time by other Scots Kings until 1237 when it was finally annexed to England. Being on the borders of Scotland it was the seat of frequent wars and forays, and also suffered severely in the Parliamentary war, and in the advances of the Old and Young Pretenders. The natural beauties of the county in the shape of the mountains and waters of the Lake country are well-known. The climate on account of these hills is among the wettest in England. At Keswick the yearly fall sometimes reaches 70 inches of water, and snow lodges on the mountain tops every winter. Many traces of prehistoric man have been found. Only three instances it is said are known of celts or axe heads having been found in England with the wooden handles still attached, and two of these were found in Cumberland. Rude stone circles, and the remains of what appear to be stone-pit dwellings occur among the mountains. Alstonfield (or Alstonefield) is a village or parish of well built houses, in a picturesquerposition above the western declivity of Dove Dale on the borders of Derbyshire. The scenery of the parish traversed, as it is, by the meandering streams of the Dove and Manifold is wild and picturesque : on the hill side at Welton is a large natural hollow, called "Thor's Cave" above the glen rises the tree-girt church of Grindon ; below this, near Welton Mill the Manifold sinks underground and only rises again at Ilam just before its confluence with the Dove, the rocks of this locality are of considerable height, and the mountain streams afford excellent sport to the angler. The Church of St. Peter is a building of stone with a few Norman remains, but is chiefly of late perpendicular date. In the churchyard are an ancient stone font and stone coffin, as well as portions of several early crosses. The register dates from the year 1538. The area of the parish is rather over more than twenty-three thousand acres. The soil is loam subsoil, limestone, gritstone, and clay. The land is chiefly in pasture. The population is about 3,500. The entire district was first held by the Iberians, perhaps by the Silures who were driven out by the Welsh. At the time of the Roman conquest the tribes in possession were the Coritani and Cornavii, and the country was made part of the province of Flavia Caesariensis. Many remains of circles, cairns, and barrows are to be found on the uplands. The land was afterwards taken by the middle English, and shared the lot of the great kingdom of Mercia. Most of the local names in the neighbourhood are English, and there are a few referring to the religion of Woden. In the time of Ethelred I, the Northmen overran the country and long held it. It was part of the great federation of the Five Burghs.

Alston in Gloucestershire is a hamlet belonging to the parish of Overbury in Worcestershire, and was formerly in the latter county, but was transferred by Act of Parliament early in this century. The soil is chiefly clay, subsoil clay. There is a chapel of ease. The area is rather over a thousand acres, and the population is about seventy. This part of Gloucestershire and Worcestershire was first occupied by the Iberians who long lingered here, their last chief tribe the Silures, offering a stubborn resistance to the Belgae and Celts. By the Romans it was included in the province of Flavia Caesariensis. After their abandonment of Britain it was seized by the Celts, and then by the middle English, with whom it formed part of their kingdom of Mercia.

Beer Alston is a town of about 1,000 inhabitants, about two miles north of the village of Beer Ferrars in co. Devon. It was formerly a parliamentary borough, but was disfranchised by the Reform Act of 1832. There is a chapel of ease (Holy Trinity), erected in 1848 Large quantities of fruit are grown locally, especially blackberries, called locally "mazards." There is a school for girls and infants founded by Mr. John Maynard, Sergeant-at-law, one of the prosecutors of Strafford and Laud. He was M.P. for Beer Alston in 1661, and died October 9th, 1690. So much for the possible cradles of the families of Alston. There is plenty of room for search in the archives of the Public Record Office and in the rolls of the various manorial courts respecting the association of persons bearing the name of Alston with these places, and the possible derivation of the surname from them. I regret I cannot myself give the time to it. We will now turn from places of the name to persons who have borne it. First, we may remark its comparative rarity. In Kelly's 1905 Post Office London Directory (Court section), the name occurs sixteen times, and includes repetitions of some mentioned in the County Directories. In the Commercial section the name occurs eighteen times, and includes some reckoned in the Court section. In Slater's (Page iv) 1893 Directory of Scotland it occurs twice in Edinburgh, and very occasionally in the counties. In Slater's Irish Directory (1893), it is not to be found in Dublin at all. Among Kelly's Provincial Directories (Court Sections) it occurs in that of Kent (1903) six times, including repetitions of some in the London Directory, the owners following their profession or other vocation in London, and residing out of town. In Surrey (1903) it occurs seven times, in Sussex (1903) three, in Essex (1902), a seat of the East Anglia family, three times there are also two farmers of the name), in Herts three times, and in Middlesex three times only. In the Cumberland, Derbyshire, and Staffordshire Directories it is not to be found in the Court sections, nor traceable, so far as I have gone, in any of the other sections. In Gloucestershire (1902) it occurs three times. The infrequency of the name in these counties in light of the existence of the place name is curious, especially as in Kellys Directory of the county of Lancaster are to be found three Alstons in the Court Section, two publicans, two followers of the craft of St. Crispin, two cloggers, two drapers, five farmers, and two shopkeepers. The frequency of the name in Lancashire lends some colour to the theory that Alston near Ribchester may be the place whence the family originally sprang. The genius of the family seems ever to have been that for the middle course. Not by any sudden meteor flight did it reach a dazzling and giddy height, tumbling thence precipitately like so many. No Alston appears to have sought the dangerous atmosphere of the Court, when it was the fashion for knight or squire so to do. Even in the parlous times of the Commonwealth and Rebellion, when the downs of to-day were the ups of yesterday, it steered its way carefully step by step. A few, it is true, suffered the amercement of a tithe of their possessions under Oliver Cromwell's celebrated ordinance, and Viscount Castlemaine, the regicide,who married Frances Alston, was deprived of all his honours and degraded at the Restoration of Charles II. for the part he had played in the Commonwealth ; along with Sir Henry Mildmay and Sir Robert Wallop, he was sentenced to be drawn on a sledge with a rope about his neck from the Tower to Tyburn and back again, and to be imprisoned in the Tower for life. Of his end I have learned nothing. Several Alstons have sat in Parliament at different times, and some have been soldiers and sailors, but generally it may be said they have not been
"The State's whole thunder born to wield
And shake alike the Senate and the Field:"
The care and administration of lands and estates, the learned professions, the courts of law, the service of the Church, and the hospital have been their fields of action, and in these they have never failed to achieve success justifying their rank and station. In the faculty of physic the family achieved considerable renown in the person of Sir Edward Alston, Knt., President of the College of Physicians. Born of wealthy parents, he went through the usual University training of the gentleman of the time, successively taking his degrees of Bachelor and Master of Arts, and then obtaining the M.D. degree and a Fellowship of the College of Physicians. Presumably he was proficient in the practice of his profession, for he died very rich at his house in Great St. Helens, Bishopgate. But over and above his medical skill he possessed address in affairs, foresight, and administrative capacity of no mean order. The practice of medicine was much less restricted then than now. Like most early institutions trying to regulate a profession, the College of Physicians had great difficulty in restraining unqualified practitioners. Many of these were no doubt quite as able as their duly licensed brethren for the science of Medicine was not then the exact science it is now, and the question was rather a political one of the expediency of enforcing submission to a central controlling body. At length an opportunity arose to win over the better class of the unlicensed, and deal a death blow to the pretensions of unscrupulous men who sought not to cure, but to take advantage of the ills that human, flesh is heir to. During the desertion of the city consequent on the visitation of the plague in 1665, thieves broke into the treasury of the College and stole the funds. This was a grievous predicament for the association to be in, and the Fellows were at a loss to know what to do, when Sir Edward Alston came forward with a proposal which eventually found acceptance. Briefly it was that admission to the Fellowship of the Society should be accorded to the unlicensed practitioners of the Rebellion on payment of certain fees. The plan worked well. Seventy new Fellowships were created, the moneys paid for the diploma fee fattened the lean chests of the treasury, and the new Fellows, jealous of the privileges they had acquired, helped the College in establishing its authority over the faculty. Two better birds were never killed by one stone. Another blow awaited the College. No sooner had it got over the difficulty of the thieves than the Great Fire, of 1666 destroyed the whole of the buildings. Again Sir Edward Alston was to the front, promising the wherewithal out of his great store of inherited and accumulated wealth for the purpose of rebuilding. At this point a quarrel arose among the Fellows about the site. A new election for the Presidency came along and Sir Edward was thrown. Disgusted at the treatment he had suffered, he withdrew his promise and never afterwards renewed it. If the quarrel was wholly and solely about the site, the action of the Fellows would appear to be rather hypercritical. Any site with a College is better than a particular site without a College. Sir Edward left no male heirs. His brother Sir Joseph was already rich and on the highway to the baronetcy he obtained in 1681. So the great medical fortune was left to his two daughters, one of whom became an ancestress of the later extinct Earls of Warrington, and of the present Earl of Stamford's family. The younger, Sarah, was thrice married, first to George Grimston, the son of the then Master of the Rolls, Sir Harbottle Grimston ; secondly to John Seymour, afterwards fourth Duke of Somerset ; and lastly to Henry Hare, Lord Coleraine. She died without issue, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. The Duchess gave a notable instance of her regard for the family of Somerset, having by her Will, dated May 17th, 1686, settled in the strictest terms of the law the manors of Powsey and Tilcombe-cum-Oxenwood, and Harding Farm with their appurtenances, in Wiltshire, on the successive Dukes of Somerset, descendants of Edward Seymour, the first Duke. She likewise founded the noble almhouse at Froxfield in the said county for thirty widows not having L20 a year, one half the widows of clergymen, the other of laymen,6 and several other charities existing in great activity to-day, including the well-known Somerset School at Tottenham. A handsome monument of the Duchess Sarah is in Westminster Abbey, where
6 Collin's Peerage (Lond., 1812), Vol. i, p. 183.

(Page v)
it is visited yearly by a deputation of the scholars of Tottenham School, who lay on it a simple tribute of flowers to the memory of their foundress and benefactress.
"The actions of the just
Smell sweet and blossom in the dust."
In 1642 a baronetcy was conferred on the Bedfordshire branch of the East Anglian family in the person of Sir Thomas Alston, and in 1681 another baronetcy was conferred on Sir Joseph Alston, of Chelsea. Unfortunately the fate that overtakes most honours sooner or later the want of a male heir has overtaken both dignities. In 1790 the last Odell Baronet died leaving no surviving relative in the male line, Odell Castle and estates having already been alienated by the will of the penultimate baronet. In 1819 the last Chelsea Baronet died, his only son having predeceased him in 1802, leaving three daughters but no male heirs. Claimants to both baronetcies "soi-disant" baronets as "G.E.C." calls them have not been wanting. Admittedly in the case of the Chelsea title there are one or two male descents from the first baronet capable of further exploration. But it is hardly possible that the title is in abeyance. In any case intending claimants are reminded that the honour would be now a very barren one, the Chelsea Alstons having lost most of their territorial consequence a century before the supposed extinction of the title. How it happened that so level headed and prudential folk bred a spendthrift like Sir Evelyn Alston is unaccountable. Circumstances may perhaps explain it, the early deaths of the third and fourth Baronets possibly throwing the estates free from any restrictions of settlements and entails into the hands of the fifth Baronet. But against him and his character too much must not be alleged, for little is known. In Burke's Extinct Baronetage it is recorded that he had sold his properties before 1721 to Sir Peter, afterwards Lord King, but Burke falls into the strange error of confusing him with his son of the same name who died without issue in 1783, After disposing of the bulk of his estates he settled at Reigate and built himself a mansion there, but this he seems also to have parted with. Of him thereafter until his death in 1750 nothing is known except what concerns his intemperance of conduct. Perhaps in his early years dazzled by the sole ownership of a fine estate, and courted for the sake of it, and being of an open-handed and generous disposition, he yielded too much to the fascinations and allurements which beset the youth of the early Georgian era who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Another member of the family who attained a certain distinction was Archdeacon Alston, some time Treasurer and Prebendary of St. Paul's. He was a Fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge, and successively Archdeacon of Middlesex and Essex. A distinguished descendant of the Chelsea baronets was the late Augustus J. C. Hare, the well-known author of the "Memorials of a Quiet Life," "Walks in Rome," and other interesting literary works. It was in his possession that I made the interesting discovery of the " Character Bible " of old Sir Joseph the founder, who mentions it and describes it in his will as being " writt by myne cwne hand." I have traced no connexion between the East Anglian Alstons, those in Scotland, and those in Lancashire although the Scottish Alstons bear the same arms as the East Anglian duly differenced. Not merely in England have the Alstons justified themselves. There have been migrations to the various new lands east and west, affected by the self-reliant and colonising Briton during the past three hundred years, and many a name figuring in my brief record as a name and nothing more, is in all probability that of a forefather of our Alston namesakes and cousins beyond the sea. Reference must here be made to Joseph Alston, the Governor of South Carolina, statesman and millionaire, who married Theodosia, the daughter of Aaron Burr, one of the Vice-Presidents of the United States. He and his wife were conspicuous figures in Burr's romantic schemes, and had it not been for that perverse destiny which makes the best laid schemes of mice and men gang aft agley, the throne of Mexico might have been occupied by descendants of the ancient and knightly house of the Alstons of Great Britain. Burr it will be remembered by those acquainted with this period of American history, had the misfortune to kill his political rival and censor, Alexander Hamilton, in a duel. He was deposed from the vice-presidency and overwhelmed with obloquy, had literally to fly for his life to the west. Meeting there with a rich Englishman named Blennerhassett, he concocted with him the romantic and daring project of seizing the throne of Mexico. As Aaron I. he was to reign over the land of the Aztecs. From the British Government he hoped for concurrence and help. Funds were to be raised from relations and supporters, troops from the adventurous youth of Pennsylvania, South Caroline, Ohio, New York and other neighbouring states. Influenced perhaps by his wife Theodosia, Joseph Alston became a party to his father-in-law's filibustering designs. Theodosia was to be chief lady of the court and rank as an imperial princess, and their son, Aaron Burr Alston was appointed heir presumptive to all his grandfather's chateaux en Espagne. But Burr's rebellious and audacious hopes were dissipated into thin air by the defection of his intended commander-in-chief-General Wilkinson. He had to fly disguised, and was captured, and being put upon his trial at Richmond in 1807 narrowly escaped condemnation. Even when liberated he had to remain in close hiding on account of his unpopularity until he could get away secretly to England. In England he obtained the patronage of the leaders of society and literature by his winning personality, becoming a frequent guest at Holland House and making the acquaintance of Scott in Edinburgh. Subsequently he fell into poverty, and became an object of suspicion to European Governments, and was ostracised by his fellow Americans in Paris. Trouble after trouble came upon him. His grandson Alston the idol of his imperial dreams, his favourite "Gampillo," as he affectionately called him, sickened and died. Worse still, his daughter, bitterly bereaved by the death of her only child and eager to meet her father, after untold effort succeeded in raising the wherewithal to recross the Atlantic, sailed for New York on a Charleston steamer which never found its port. That it was boarded by pirates and that poor Theodosia with other passengers was compelled "to walk the plank" is the tale not verified though widely believed. The uncertainty which clung about her fate caused her father more suffering than if actual details had reached him. Until her father's disgrace Theodosia Alston was a leader of society both in Charleston and New York, renowned as much for the shining qualities of her intellect as for the marked elegance of her manners. With her father's history after her death I have no concern here, but it may not be amiss to (Page vi) mention that resuming the practice of the law he lived down the scandals of his earlier years, and, after recouping his fortune by marrying a rich widow, died respected and honoured at the patriarchal age of four score.7 Another American Alston who achieved renown was Washington Allston, the Royal Academican. Born at Waccamaw in South Carolina in 1779, he graduated at Harvard College in 1800, and entered the schools of the Royal Academy in London soon after. His first work of importance, "The Dead Man Revived," gained a prize of Two Hundred Guineas from the British Institute, and was purchased by the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts. In 1818 he returned to his native country and spent the remainder of his life there. In 1831 he published a poem, "The Sylphs of the Season" and a little later two others. His romance of "Monaldi" which followed these attracted some attention in the literary world and has been dramatised. "With the name of this painter"8 says Tuckerman, speaking of American Art "painting reaching its acme of excellence among us. In genius, character, life, and feeling, he emulated the Italian masters, partook of their spirit, and caught the mellow richness of their tints." Another writer says,9 "the method of Alston was to suppress all the coarser beauties which make up the substance of common pictures. He avoided bright eyes, curls and contours, glancing lights, strong contrasts, and colours too crude for harmony. He reduced his beauty to elements so that an inner beauty might play through her features." Washington Alston died in 1843. He was remarkable also for the use he first made of asphaltum in painting.10

Of the Alstons in Scotland, whom I imagine to be really an off-shoot of the East Anglian family, I can glean but little. Charles Alston, 1663 - 1760, a scientific writer, was born at Eddlewood, and educated at Glasgow. On his father's death the Duchess of Hamilton took him under patronage and wished him to study law, but he preferred to turn his attention to medicine. He went to Leyden to study under Boerhaave, where he made the acquaintance of Dr. Alexander Monro. On the return of the two to Edinburgh they revived the medical lectures in the University, Alston being appointed lecturer in Botany and Materia Medica, and also (1716) superintendent of the Botanical Gardens ; these posts be held until his death, 22nd November, 1760. He was the author of various medical papers., as well as of an index of the plants in the Edinburgh Garden (1740), which is preceded by a Latin introduction to Botany, and of the "Tirocinium Botanicurn Edinburgense" (1753) in which he attacked the Linnaean system of classification. His lectures on Materia Medica were prepared for publication after his death by his friend and successor, Dr. J, H. Hope, and appeared in 4 volumes in 1770. Robert Brown dedicated to him the apocyneous gems, "Alstonia." See also Pulteney's sketches of Progress of Botany (1790), ii, 9-16; also Rees' Cyclopaedia. Edward Richard Alston (1844 - 1881), the eminent zoologist, was born at Stockbriggs, near Lesmahagow, on the 1st December, 1845, and being delicate in youth was chiefly self educated at home. He very early contributed to the Zoologist and various Scottish Magazines, and ultimately became an acknowledged authority on Mammalia and birds. His principal papers on the proceedings of the Zoological Society (1874 - 1880) are upon rodents, especially American Squirrels (1870 and 1879),. The division in Mammalia in Salvin and Godman's " Biologla Centraliwas Americana," was written by him though its publication was incomplete at his death. In 1880 he was elected Zoological Secretary of the Linnaean Society, which office he held till his death from acute phthisis on 7th March, 1881. In 1874 he largely assisted Prof. T. Bell in the second edition of "British Quadrupeds." All his papers are valuable and remarkable for conciseness and lucidity. G. T. Bellamy Obituary notice. Proc. Linn . Sac., 1880-81, 9. 16.

In the course of the four hundred pages that comprise my work many interesting glimpses are to be obtained of the personalities of those who figure therein, of their characters and doings, and of the household life and domestic and local customs of bygone times. The Wills and Chancery Suits are especially rich mines. Of one of the patriarchs of the family, Thomas Alston, we are told that he was commonly known as the "blew devil," because he was "wont to goe cladd in blew cloth" and had a very red face. Of his temper nothing is said, but we can imagine something. Another Thomas is described as "le unthrift," and was imprisoned in the Fleet. Our interest is aroused by the legacies left by Sir Edward Alston, the "Kinge's Phisitian," to the old spectacle woman by Crosby House gate and to the bricklayer who bricked up the vault that preserved the President's goods through the Great Fire. What were the ins and outs, the rights and wrongs of the differences between the last Sir Thomas Alston of Odell and his wife which brought about the end of that family? Old Sir Joseph. the merchant baronet of Chelsea, provided and kept his own coffin in his dwelling house. He transcribed the Bible in character, that is, shorthand, What we are told makes us feel we should like to know more of him and of his first wife, the Dutch woman. One of his daughters married a Clayton of La Vache, a well-known estate in the county of Buckingham. This property was derived by the Claytons from the Fleetwoods, and passed through the Alstons to the Hares. Thus there was a link with Oliver Cromwell, he being a kinsman of the Fleetwoods. Sir Evelyn Alston the elder must have been an interesting character in spite of his faults and failings. We are told by the local chronicler of his chosen place of residence, Reigate, that he used to drive around in a coach and six, preceded by a band! What were the objections of Penning Alston to Edward Skynner as a suitor for his daughter's hand? Were there two Anne Strattons ? Who was Thomas Alston of Chelsea? Was Katherine, the wife of Peter Alston of Bramford, the lady whose maiden name was the malodorous one of Buggs, really so extravagant as her enemies alleged? "Twenty gowns of wrought velvet, tufftaffeta, satin damask, and other stuffs, and petticoats suitable to them all laid very thick with gold and silver lace " certainly sound unfit for her degree, and must have made a sad hole in her husband's money bags. Are we to believe what one deponent said, that Joseph Alston of Loughton feigned madness because he had no money or credit wherewith he might maintain himself ? How long did he abide with Galliard, the (person noted for curing lunatics) ? The suit Wynn v. Alston on page 201 gives us an idea of what it meant being a ward of Chancery in those days.
7 An interesting account of the Burrs and Alstons by Edgar Fawcett with portraits and illustrations, including one of Theodosia Alston, appeared in the Cosmopolitan Magazine for October, 1897, under the title "A Romantic Wrong Doer."
8 Tuckerman's Book of Artists.
9 Alston's Heads, Atlantic Monthly, February, 1865.
10 "The Life and Letters of Washington Allston," by Dr. Flagg. (Bentley, London.)

(page vii)
How slack a man of business was Sir Joseph Alston of Bradwell Abbey his law proceedings with his coachmaker show. Was it for this debt that he, the Sheriff of his County, was committed to the Fleet prison? Possibly he began the wastage of the family estate that was completed by his son Sir Evelyn. What exactly were the occupations pharmacopola and pannicularius referred to on page 220, and what a sinister note is that appended in Latin to the burial entry of Elizabeth Alston, May 8, 1609, "Gravida ante nuptias" Alas! frail woman! The interest of such a compilation as mine is of necessity confined principally to those who belong to or are connected with the various Alston families whose pedigrees are set forth in it, and even among those many will probably consider there is a large amount of chaff and little grain. But for myself I confess so consuming a desire to know who and what my ancestors were and how they lived their lives that every fact, however trivial, is of value in my eyes. This account of the Alstons, begun originally to clear away the mistakes and to fill the gaps in the printed pedigrees, has far outgrown its contemplated dimensions. But the task - and the labour has involved the sacrifice of hundreds of leisure hours - has not been without its delights and rewards as it went along. Pleasant friendships have arisen from it, and if those who bear the name Alston, or are descended from Alstons, find in it something inspiring them, from a shame of being worse than their elders were, to strive all their power so that they may become better in some habits, nay, may increase their virtues, my labour will not have been in vain. Finally, I have to thank all my correspondents and helpers in all ranks of life and in all parts of the world, without whose goodwill and assistance the accomplishment of my end would have been impossible. As these pages are about to go to press, Vol. IV. of G. E. C.'s "Complete Baronetage" reaches me. I cannot cite any better testimonial to the thoroughness and accuracy of my researches than Clarenceux's acceptance of my pedigree of the Alston baronets of Chelsea, associated as it is with a note of acknowledgement of my assistance. In an earlier volume (Vol. II), Clarenceux also refers in kind terms to the information supplied by me concerning the Alston baronets of Odell. The Royal Descent of the Chelsea Alstons from Edward I. was also accepted and included by "J. R. S. G. " in bis "Portfolio of Royal Descents," published in 1902.

My recollection is that the Alstons of Thinacre Milne Lanarkshire were supposed to have gone there from England about the 14th century but I never saw any records which dated further back than the 16th ; this was in a book of county families in the neighbourhood of Glasgow. Our crest is an eagle, our motto "In Altum." I have seen
coats of arms with what looked like 10 stars in them in my uncle's house.
Extract from the Rev. Hy. Monteth Alston's letter, 15 March, 1898 (House of the Resurrection, Mirfield)
Alstoniana Pg 374

Manuscript Notes of Professor Charles Alston, born 1685.
Library of Edinburgh University, Scotland
The surname "Alston" is generally believed to be an abbreviation of "Athelstane" , a name well known in Anglo-Saxon History as, Athelstane-ford, Athelstane-muir, now called "Alston ford," "Alston muir", &c. Athel means noble or strong. Alston was of old a proper name among the Saxons, for in 845 there was a Bishop of Sherborne called Alston, who then and some years after, particularly in 853, made a considerable figure. (Vide Rapin Vol v.pp.85,86). The tradition is that the Scotch Alstons came first from England and (as Lord Basil Hamilton says) along with the Hamilton who was the founder of that noble family in Clydesdale, having been his second (in a duel) which obliged them both to leave the English Court. But be in this what will, the oldest family of Alston's I know of in Scotland was that of Cander in the parish of Dalserf and sheriffdom of Lanark. Concerning which the learned antiquary Mr. George Crawford, favourd me with the following memorial, written and subscribed by his own hand, which I have by me. It is entitled: "Memorials of the surname and family of Alston of Cander in Larnarkshire." where of follows "The Alstons were a very ancient and considerable family. They possessed the Estate time out of memory. But that was not all their estate. They had part of the lands and Barony of Cambusbarron, Co. Stirling. There is a Charter the writer of this Memorial has seen, in the custody of the Earls of Wigton, granted by King Robbert III (1399) granting half of the Barony of Cambusbarron to Hugo de Alston, among other witnesses are David, Duke of Rothesay. There is another Hugo de Alston, dominus de Cander who I conjecture was the son of the former Hugh, who died about 1425. For there is a Charter of Mortification granted by Thomas Somervile of Carnwich, of annuity of 20 marks out of his lands of Manuel in Co. Stirling, to sustain a Chaplain in the Church of St. Macutius, i.e. the Priory of Lesmahago "pro animo quondam Hugonis Alston de Cander". It is dated 1425 and confirmed by Charter of King James (1426) in the register of the great seal, in the public archives. He left only 1 daughter, his sole heir, named Margaret. This Margaret was married to John Hamilton of Whistleberry, 2nd son of Sir John Cadzow and brother of James, first Lord of the family of Hamilton. He died in 1454. The author of the "Liber de Culross" takes notice of his death. There is an investiture taken of the Estate of Hamilton by James, 1st Lord Hamilton, in favour of himself and heirs male of his body, and failing those and certain others, to those of the aforesaid John Hamilton of Cander. This Charter is in 1455, in the public registers of the Great Seal. The Hamiltons of Cander came afterwards to change their title to Milburn. A male branch of the old family of Alstons of Cander settled in the Barony of Cadzow and had a small estate there, which they held from the Family of Hamilton." (Thus Mr. Crawford.) Ref: Susan Perrett Tree

ALSTON (Eng.) l Bel. to Alston [the second
element is the common O.E. tun, estate,
farm, &c.; the first represents an A.-Sax.
pers. name such as JfLelle, JEgel- Mthel-,
&r., in the genit. case]
Alston in Staffs was, e.g., A.-Sax.
2 confused with Alstone, q.v.
ALSTON E (Eng.) i Bel. to Alstone [the second
element is the O.E. stdn, a stone, rock,
stone castle; the first represents an A.-Sax.
pers. name such as Mile, Mgel-, Mthel-,
&c., in the genit. case]
Alstone in Staffs was, e.g., A.-Sax.
2 The A.-Sax. pers. name Mlfstdn =
or JEihelsidn- NOBLE STONE
3 confused with Alston, q.v.

Cresswell in 1905 listed the following persons in possession of Alston Portraits:
Portrait of Sir Rowland Alston, 2 Bart. Col. Cockburn, Norwich.
Portrait of Mrs. Mead. Colonel Lynn, Wickham Market.
Portrait of Lady (Gertrude?) Alston, by Gainsborough. Mrs. Craven, of Brighton, or Charles Craven, Esq.
Portrait of Mr. Isaac Alston, 3rd son of Sir Joseph I Bart. of Chelsea. Rev. F. S. Alston (purchased at sale of
Mr. Strutt's pictures, at Ipswich, Oct. 3rd, 1869).
Miniature of Edward Alston. Mrs. Hannah Katherine Leeder, of Woodton, Norfolk.
Miniature of Sir Rowland Alston. Mrs. Ann Alston (Brooch),
Miniature of Lady Alston. Mrs. Ann Alston (from Lord Hatherley's collection).
Portrart of Charles Alston, D.D. (supposed). Richard Aumack, Esq., Solicitor, Long Melford.
Portrait of Sarah (Alston), Duchess of Somerset. St. John's College, Cambridge (Engravings after it by Vertue).
Portrait of Sarah (Alston) Duchess of Somerset. Rev. E, Constable Alston (from house at Tottenham formerly
belonging to Lord Coleraine, her last husband.
Miniature of Daniel Alston. Mrs. Ann Alston (Locket),
Miniature of Mrs. Daniel Alston (Eliza Freeborn). Mrs. Ann Alston.
Portrait of Rev. E. Constable Alston. Mrs. Ann Alston.
Portrait of Sir Joseph Alston, 1st Bart, of Chelsea (supposed replica). William Alston Head, Esq., East Grinstead
Portrait of Sir Edward Alston, Kt., President of College of Physicians. Augustus J. C. Hare, Esq., St. Leonards.
Alstoniana Pg 301.

Medical Notes:

Noted events in his life were:

1. Parish Register Transcriptions: Alston St Gregory Sudbury SFK.

2. Parish Register Transcriptions: Alston St Peter Sudbury SFK.

3. Parish Register Transcriptions: Alston All Saints Sudbury SFK.

4. Documents held by the Essex Record Office: mentioning Alston, Various dates.
Ref: <>/heritage/ero
Forrest King 2017

Q/SO 1/220
Stistead: Alston Whereas Henry Alston of Stistead in this County, gent[leman],
and John Brockwell of same place, yeoman, being overseo[r]s for the poore of
the said p[ar]ish for the yeare ending att Easter last, the parishone[r]s of the
said parish in Easter weeke aforesaid did nominate Robert Aylette, John
Baysey and Isaack Medcalfe to bee overseors for the poore of the said parish
for this p[re]sent yeare, who wer confirmed by two of the Justices of the peace
of this County according to Law, as was proved openly in Court, But the said
warrant of Confirmac[i]on comeing to the handes of the said Henry Alston and
by him deteyned from the p[re]sent overseors, hee the said Henry Alston
afterward procured himself to bee continued in this office w[i]thout the
knowledge or consent of the said parishon[er]s And whereas John Alston
gent[leman], father of the said Henry, being convicted for swearing severall
oathes, Dionisius Wakering Esq[uire], one of the Justices of the peace of this
County, before whom the said Convicc[i]on was, directed his warrant to the
Constables, Churchwardens and overseors of the poore of the said parish for
the levying the Twenty Shillings of the goods of the said John Alston for his said
offence, which said warrant the said Rob[er]t Aylett and Isaac Medcalfe as
overseors for the poore of the said parish, w[i]th the Constables and
Churchwardens thereof did endeavour to execute, but did forbeare to doe
anything therein in regard the said John Alston p[re]tended the said Twenty
shillings was formerly paid to Henry Alston his sonn, [f.78v.] which said matter
hereby adjudge and declare that the said Robert Aylett, John Baysey and
Isaack Medcalfe were legally nominated and confirmed overseo[r]s for the
poore fo the said parish att the time of the Convic[i]on of the said John Alston as
aforesaid, [and] att the time endevouringe to take the side distresse were and
still are overseors for the poore of the said parish.

Birth Certificate of Agnes Hall, 1875; Marriage CErtificate of Agnes Hall and
John Robert Alston, both of Corringham, 1903; Birth Certificate of rob. Malet
Alston.s. of John and Agnes alston,1905; Birth Certificate of Beatrice Doreen
Alston, dau. of John and Agnes Alston, 1916; Memorial of Baptism of Beatrice
Doreen Alston at St Mary's church, Corringham, 1916
D/DU 181/35
Elizabeth Everitt's discharge to Edward and Sarah Alston (executors of Thomas
Alston of Manningtree) upon payment of her moiety of the effects of Thomas
Q/SO 1/13
Alston Whereas upon the Petic[i]on of John Alston of Stysed and Henry Alson of
the Same, gent[lemen], p[re]sented unto this Courte at Easter Sessions last,
settinge forth that they were much oppressed by beinge overated to the Poore,
Constables rates and other rates in the saide, Parrish, It was ordered that [th]e
matter of Complainte should bee referred to the two next Justices who were
desired to call before them all p[ar]ties concerned, and to examine the equallity
of the Rates, and order therin as they should see cause, Now this Courte beinge
this Day informed by the saide John Alston and Henry Alston that nothinge hath
beene done for rectifyeinge the inequallity of the saide rates, and complayninge
that new rates have beene since made for other sum[me]s wherein they are
overated as before, & desiring [th]e further order of this Courte for their releife
herein, This Courte doth order that the matter of compl[ain]te be referred to S[ir]
Tho[mas] Honywood k[nigh]t, Dionis Wakeringe W[illia]m Harlackenden & Dudly
Templar Esq[uire]s or any 3 of them, who are disired to call before them all
p[ar]ties concerned, and to examine the equallity of the saide Rates, and order
therin as they should see cause, Now this Courte beings this Day informed by
the said John Alston and Henry Alston that notinge hath beene done for
rectifyinge the inequallity of the saide rates, and complaynings that new rates
have beene since made for other sum[me]s wherein they are coverated as
before, & desiring the[e] further order of this Courte for their releife herein, This
court doth order that the matter of Compl[ain] tte be reffered to S[ir] Tho[mas]
Hoywood k[nigh]t, Dionis Wakeringe, W[illia]m Harlackenden & Dudly Templar
Esq[uire]s or any 3 of them, who are disired to call before them all p[arties
therein concerned & to examine the equallity of th[e] s[ai]d rates [f.4r.] and to
make such Order therein as they shall see cause for puttinge an end to the said
diffeence, the saide John mAlstone and Henry Alston promising in open Courte
to play to all rates such p[ro]porc[i]on as the said JUstice shall soe Order them
to pay

T/A 418/144/22
Indictment of William Lamberd, George Hurill and William Smyth, all of Stisted
yeoman, there riotously assmebled and broke an iron chain worth 10d. and a
wooden gate worth 8s., belonging to John Alston. Witnesses: John Alston,
Lestrange Alston, Anne Alston, John Grigg. [ASS 35/95/2/22]
D/P 192/2/10
Curate's licence of Harold Edward Alston Horn
Conveyance (Lease & Release) of Equity of Redemption Rich. Alston, to Nath,
Hurall, both of West Bergholt, brickmakers Twenty rods of ground, with a
messuage thereon, now divided in to two tenements, in W. Bergholtm late in
occupation of Richard Alston, and Jn. Cooke, now of Richard Alston, & Joseph
Norfolk. [Recites: Mortagage, 28 December 1780, of the above property.]
Q/SR 469/61
Indictment of Alston (as in 60) kept an alehouse without licence.

Q/SBb 494/94
Note saying that the Clerk of the Peace produced to the Court a draft of contract
between Mr Edward Alston and Mr Daniel constable Alston and the Clerk of the
Peace for a piece of land situated in St. James Parish Colchester for a House
of Correction secured and settled by Mr Duval. The court orders that when the
Tithe of the land is made out; it shall be conveyed. Upon the conveyance being
made, the Treasurer of the County wil pay the sum of£300 to Edward Alston and
Daniel constable

Papers and documents relating to administration of will of Israel Alston of
Corringham, farmer (d. 13 March 1917) Incl. (i) probate, 30 May 1917, with copy
of will (made 14 March 1916)annexed of Israel Alston of number 1 Alston Villas,
Corringham; (ii) abstract of title of Francis Henry Douglas Charton Whitmore of
Orsett Hall,Orsett, to his estates in Essex, 1896, reciting from 1826; (iii) sale
catalogues (9 plans), of 1896, of the outlying portions (total 1,675a.) of the
Orsett Estate in Orsett,Fobbing,Corringham,Horndon-on-the-
Hill,Bulphan,Rawreth,Rayleigh,Hockley,Ramsden Crays,N.Benfleet, Bowers
Gifford, Lt.Waltham and Great Totham, for sale by Francis Hen Douglas
Charton Whitmore of Orsett Hall (contract copy of Fredk. Frs. Ramuz of 68
Cheapside, City of London, purchaser of Pump Farm in corringham-in sum of
£620);(iv) deeds of Pump Farm and part of Hall Farm (total 87a.)in Corringham,
1896-c.1925, incl, conveyance, 8 December 1896, Francis Henry Douglas
Charton Whitmore of Orsett Hall, Orsett, esq., to Israel Alston of
Corringham,baker;(v) sale catalogue of Pump Farm (68a.) and pair of
semi-detached cottages called Primrose Cottages, situate in the village, all in
Corringham, for sale by personal representatives of Agnes
Alston,decd,1928;(iv)MS. notes by depositor about other members of the family
during period 1917- 1958, complied 1965 Registered by depositor as bundle
no.3172 Not to be produced to students before 1995

T/Z 25/2489
(Mrs E. Alston b. 1906 (service, Edwins Hall, Woodham Ferrers)

Conveyance (Lease & Release) of Equity of Redemption Rich. Alston, to Nath,
Hurall, both of West Bergholt, brickmakers Twenty rods of ground, with a
messuage thereon, now divided in to two tenements, in W. Bergholtm late in
occupation of Richard Alston, and Jn. Cooke, now of Richard Alston, & Joseph
Norfolk. [Recites: Mortagage, 28 December 1780, of the above property.]
D/DU 206/4
Demise by letters patent for reversionary term of 22 and a half years at rent of
£10. George III to Thomas Harridge, Thomas Lee, John Durrevel Kemp, Henry
Fisher, David Harridge, junior and George King Parcel of ground covered with
water being the soil or bed of creek called Leigh Swatch near Leigh, abutting
north on Chalkwell Ouze and south on Canvey Spitt and Popling or Popperell
Land, extending in length 3 miles from mouth of Swatch at the south-east to the
north-west end, and in breadth 154 yards from the low water mark on the
north-east side to the low water mark on the south-west side Recites that the
premises are parcel of Crown possessions intended for an oyster fishery for
the supply of the London markets, and granted by letters patent, 17 June 1762,
to Edward Davis, Richard Tidy, John Taylor and Thomas Handley, to hold for 31
years at £10 per annum Consideration, fine of £100. Seal of Court of
Exchequer Endorsement with exhibition in Chancery, William Alston V. Eastern
Counties Railway Company, 1855 and in the matter of the estate of William
Alston, 1856.
D/DU 1711/3
Deed to lead the uses of a fine and a recovery (i) John Collin of Chickney, gent
(ii) John Alston of Stevenage, Hertfordshire, gent (iii) James Allen of London,
victualler Messuage called Sibleys alias Lees including closes called: the Store
8a, Barneley 22a, Pursfeild 9a, Gately 9a, Grove 8a, Stonyfeild 18a, Dellfield
17a, Brittene garden 2 1\\\\2 acres, the little hoppett 1a, great mead 13a,
Newland 15a, in Chickney; 6 closes called Mairisse in Debden 35a, 3 roods of
pasture in Debden Fine to be levied on 1 messuage, 1 garden, 68a land, 13a
meadow, 70a pasture, 5a wood to the use of (i). Writ to be issued by (iii)
against (ii) for a common recovery Seal of John Alston
Probate of Will of Elizabeth Freeborn of Great Maplestead, wid. [Letters of
probate missing.] Legacies to executors in trust for son John Freeborn for life
then to be divided amongst grandchildren (children of son John, and Edw.
Constable, Eliza and Emma Sarah Alston, children of deceased dau. Eliza (late
wife of Edward Daniel Alston of Diss (co. Norfolk), brewer.) Executors: son
John Freeborn and (son-in-law) Edward Daniel Alston. Wtn: Mary Ann
Gaywood (servant to Mrs. Freeborn), Edmund Stedman, solicitor, of Subbury
(co. Suff.)
D/P 119/25/103
Bond in£30 from Joseph Smith of Taylworth Wratten (co. Suff.) grocer, to
Joseph Shipp, and John Alston and Edward Stammers, vicar and
churchwardens of Wethersfield. Recites a deed of bargain and sale between
said Joseph S. and w. Susan, and Mark Mott senior and jun., Joseph Shipp,
Thomas Trott sen. and jun., John Browne, John Leake, John Alston,
Rich.Choute, Edw. Baker, Nath.Straight, Edward Stammers and Francis Strutt,
of tenement and garden [no details].
D/DU 1711/5
Exemplification of a Common Recovery James Allen John Alston 1 messuage,
1 garden, 68 acres land, 13 acres meadow, 70 acres pasture, 15 acres wood
in Chickney and Debden Vouchee: John Collin
D/DU 1711/4
Fine John Alston, gentleman, plaintiff John Collin, gentleman, defendant 1
messuage, 1 dovecot, 68 acres land, 13 acres meadow land, 70 acres
pasture, 5 acres wood, in Chickney and Debden for £120
Deed of lead the uses of a Fine; Final Concord Joseph Alston of Bures St.
Mary (co. Suff.), surgeon, and w. Susan to Samuel Alston of Gunthorpe (co.
Norf.), clerk Farms called Trubbucks alias Home Farm and Hobbe Atwood in
Halstead and Stisted
Grant [and copy] by John de Boys of Tolleshunt Tregoz, William Hanyngfeld,
John Ewell, Walter Gawtron, Robert Warner, Roger Rye, and William
Tasseburgh, parson of Raylegh, to Robert Alston, son of John Alston of
Messyng,of lands, etc., called Legattes in Messyng.

T/A 418/144/23
Indictment of Rob.Aylett, Robert Wood, John Wood, William Lambard, Thomas
harris, George Hurrell, all of Stisted yeoman, John Smith of Bocking, John Wodle
and Isaac Medroppe of Stisted yeoman riotously assembled at Stisted and broke a
wooden gate worth 8s.6d. belonging to John Alston. Witnesses: John Lestrange,
Anne alston. [ASS 35/95/2/23]
T/A 418/179/60
Indictment of Mark Last Toppesfield Labourer, 20 February 27 ChaS. ii, THERE
Witness: John Alston. [Ass 35/116/1/60]

37.Deed to declare uses of a Fine Richard Choate, of Wethersfield, yeoman
William Alston, of Sible Hedingham, gentleman and Solomon Alston, his son
`Cooks Crofts' (14 ac.), Wethersfield [3 sig. seals, one arm. a chevron between 3
lions rampant]
19.Fine William Alston and Solomon Alston, pll. Richard Choate, def. An Acre of
land, and 14 ac. of pasture with appurts in Wethersfield 1678
This document concerns John Alston of Wethersfield and Nth Carolina USA

Lease Sir Edward Alston, of London, Kt. Penninge Alston, of London, grocer, his
brother and Judith, his wife The manor of Frinton Hall with the patronage of the
Church, etc., Frinton
Q/SR 421/78
Recognizance of Abraham aham Alston of Stanway and Vincent Handler of Lexden yeomen; Alston to answer John Wade of the same county" for misdemeanour. Not paid.
Q/SR 385/34
Recognizance of Abraham aham Alston of Fordham bailiff, Ralph Bullock
husbandman and Thomas Rummit tailor, both of aldham; Alston to keep the peace
to Ann, wife of William Plamtin of Aldham husbandman. Defaulted.
Q/SR 341/18
INdictment of Roger Breadday of Stisted Cordwainer at Halstead, assaulted Henry
Alston gentleman Witnesses: Alston, Robert SIdey. Confessed, fined 2s.6d.
D/DS 310/1
Petition in Court of Chancery of James Harmer Alston of no.7 The Lawn, S.
Lambeth (co. Surrey), lieutenant in H.M. Army (born 28 Feb. 1847), son of David
Tho.Alston (died 27 November 1855) and grandson of Wm Alston (died c.1823)
relating to sum of£300 as compensation for moiety of lands (total 10a.) in Leigh
and Prittlewell taken under compulsory purchase orders by London, Tilbury and
Southend Railway Company in 1855 and invested in£3 per cent annuities in name
of infant petitioner
Q/SR 317/40
Presentment Mr. John Alston was chosen surveyor, and the constables and
churchwardens have not appointed the 6 days for the amendment of the highways
which ought to be appointed the Sunday after Easter. Signature of: John Alston.
Added ina different hand:This presentment was tendered to me by the surveyor of
Stisted the day abovesaid. Signature of : James Heron.

Indenture of lease from William Towse of Takeley, & William his s. & h., to
Thomas Alston of Newton, Suff., of the same premises [2 seals. One

Admission of John Alston of Widdington on surrender of Wm. Lacye
Messuage called Pages and land (1a.) in Widdington, copyhold of manor of
Widdington Veizes Court of Edward Turner, esq.; Steward: Thomas Cole,

T/Z 25/2489
(Mrs E. Alston b. 1906 (service, Edwins Hall, Woodham Ferrers)

Akerman family of Southend and Billericay, publicans, c.1890,1898 F33,76
Alston family of Corringham, farmers, and in particular Israel Alston (d.
1917), 1827-1965 T78-82 E6,7,F5,G1 Jas. Banyard of Shreburyness,
estate agent (d. 1938), 1879- 1945 B167-215 F 73 Blyth family of Downham
and Standford-le-Hope, farmers and brewers, and in particular Thomas
Worrin Blyth of Downham (d. 01902), 1820-1922 T89-94,220 B5-8 E9-13
F75 P4 Bosanquet family of Alnwick (co. Northumberland), chiefly relating to
the Thundersley estate, 1631-1934 M49-57, 82-112 T47 F2, 4 P1,2
J.R.Brightwell Ltd. of Southend, linendrapers, furnishers, tailors, etc.,
1885-1925 B268-286 Walter Wm.Brown of City of London and Brentwood,
solicitor, 1810-1892 B287-310 Browne family of S.Benfleet, and in particular
Joseph Augustus Browne of Reeds Hill (d. 1920), 1738-1939 T84-88,
204-204a E8, 152 F6 L10 Brunwin family of Wickford, Rayne and Great
Bardfield, farmers, 1762-c. 1950 F62-67 Clark family of Stanford-le-Hope,
farmers, mainly relating to urban estate development on Canvey Island in the
late 19th and carly 20th centuries by Arthur Mayhew Clark of
Stanford-le-Hope and Frederick Hester of Southend , estate agent,
1686-1960 E125, 126 F68-70 Clarke family of S.Ockendon, farmers and
victuallers, 1692- 1902 T226-231 A84 E127-130 F77 Wm. Clover of
Boreham, brick and tile-maker (d. 1900) and the Hambro Hill Brickworks,
Rayleigh, 1895-1904 E112-114 Tho. Dowsett of Southend (d. 1906) and the
Southend-on-Sea Estates Company, 1895-1928 T 60, 62 67. 70 74, 76,
169 Fitzwilliam Sparling Dunnett of Southchurch, gent., and urban
development on the Southchurch Corner Estate in Southchurch, 1899-1938
T144-152 B72 F27-30 Emerson family of Billericay, drapers, 1719-1910
T212-218 Finch family, 1632-1917 [For details of this family and its estates
in Essex, see F.G.Emmison (ed.), Guide to the Essex Record Office, 1969,
p. 149] M35-40 T13 John G. Freeman of Southend, electrical engineer (d.
1959), 1833-1959 A72-83 B345-353 C1, 2 F87-108 Z12-18 Fredk. Garon
of Southend, ironmonger (d. 1899) and H. Garon Ltd. of Southend, butchers,
fishmongers, caterers, restauranteurs, fruiterers, greengrocers, bakers, ice
manufacturers, etc., 1880-1924 T125, 126 B46, 125-166 E24 F26 Gibson
family of Saffron Walden, bankers, 1872, 1875 E133, 134 Goodchild family
of Billericay, farmers and corn merchants, 1831-1934 T261, 262 F62 Sam.
Eugene Harwar of Southend (d. 1929), clerk to George Wood of Rochford,
solicitor, 1863-1929 T222-225 B 354 E142-150 F78- 82 Hood family of
Southend, and in particular Thomas Hood, solicitor (d. 1900), 1870-1932
T52, 158 221, 221A, B394 Howard family of Pitsea, Leigh and Prittlewell,
dairy farmers, and in particular Harold George Howard, 1909-1963
T118-121, 219, 219A E20-23 F22-25 Jas. Colbert Ingram of Southend,
estate agent, c. 1905 T163 Keyes family of London, merchants, 1823-1902
E153, 154 F71, 72 Committee for management of Leigh Conduit,
1825-1888 Q1 Markwell family of Billericay, 1741-1870 F74, 257-260 Jos.
Marriage of Lambourne Hall in Canewdon, farmer, 1919- 1926 T107-110
A3-5 E18 Mead family of Great Burstead, farmers, 1706-1880 T205-211
Dan. Miller of Royal Hotel, Southend, hotelier, 1804, 1825 B108, 115 Hen.
Joseph Padfield of Rayleigh and Brentwood, farmer, 1918- 1951 T111-117
B10-15 E19 Ramuz family of City of London and Southend, land agents and
property developers, and the Land Company, relating to urban estate
development in SE. Essex, 1897-1936 T49-51, 54, 61, 64, 69, 161, 166,
289, 290, 308, 318, 333, 344, 347, 351, B95, 374 A.M. and H. Rankin Ltd.
Stambridge, farmers and millers, 1898- 1954 T127-143 B47-71 E25-34
L12, 13 Jas. Scott of Southend, builder, hotelier, property speculator and
developer (d. 1882), 1864-1922 B216-267 Scratton family of Prittlewell and
Ogwell (co. Devon) landed gentry, 1717, c. 1780-c. 1920 M144-203
T173-175 B105-108 111- 113, 115, 117, 357-372 E36-111 F35-54 A6-30
L15-17, 19 P6, 10 The Shrubbery, Southend, 1877-1919 A31-71 E115-124
Somerset Garden Estates Company Ltd. of WEstcliff, 1936- 1943 B125
Southend Local Board, including Pier and development of Victoria Avenue,
1882-1891 P15-17 20-25, 29 Stallibrass family of Downham, and in
particular Allen Stallibrass, farmer (d. 1948), 1693-1960 M34, 62, 64-73,
113- 143 T104, 105 E14-16 F7, 8 Robert Surman, deputy cashier of the
South Sea Company, 1720 01 Thorne family of Bethnal Green (co. Middx)
and Southend, 1877- 1926 F212 John Toner of 11 Montague Street, Russell
Square and Furnivals Inn (co. Middx), architect (d. 1909), 1789-1926
T153-156 E131, 132 F31 L14 Trigg family of Southend, licensed victuallers,
1882- 1945 B311-320 Dr. W.D.WAtson of Leigh, medical practitioner,
1913- 1956 T232-250 B321-344 Wood family of Hadleigh and S.Benfleet,
farmers, and in particular Jonathan Wood of Hadleigh (d. 1860), Henry Nash
Wood (d. 1869) and the King family of Leigh, 1720-1937 T95-103, 106,
171, 251-256 B9, 355, 356 E135-137 F9-21, 55-60 Woodard family of
Billericay, and in particular Edward Woodard, solicitor, 1826-1875
E138-141 Note. For records of (i) Canvey Island Commission, 1792-1962,
(ii) Southend Local Board of Health relating to Pier, 1817-1892, (iii)
Southend Local Board of Health and Southend Borough Council relating to
development of Victoria Avenue, 1861-1899, which originally formed part of
Accessions 43 (Chelmsford Accession 884) and 1256, but which were
catalogued separately for the convenience of students, see respectively (i)
D/SZ 3-5, 21-58, (ii) D/Hs 73-115, (iii) D/BC 1/1/12/1-105 Introductory note
Much of this accession comprises MSS. accumulated by the firm of Thorne,
Owles and Neale of Southend-on-Sea, which merged with the firm of
Gregson and Golding c. 1967 to form the firm of Gregson, Golding and
Owles. During cataloguing brief notes giving information about the origins of
Messrs. Thorne, Owles and Neale were taken at random, and these are set
out below. It will be noticed that the firm had its origins in Billericay and
London, whereas Messrs. Gregson's origins were at Rochford, where
William Gregson (b. 1811) joined Michael Comport, c.1536, being taken into
partnership in 1837 (see TS 325/1). 1830 Edward Woodard, Clerk to Mr.
Shaw of Billericay 1844-1855 Edward Woodard of Billericay 1855-1879
Edward Woodard of Billericay and 106 Fenchurch Street, City of London
1873, 1874 Thomas Hood, Clerk to Mr. Edward Woodard of Billericay 1878
Thomas Hood, Clerk to Mr. Edward Woodard of 2 Ingram Court, Fenchurch
Street, City of London 1883-1897 Messrs. Edward Woodard and Thomas
Hood, 6 Billiter Street, City of London 1889 Messrs. Woodard, Hood and
Wells, 6 Billiter Street 1893-1896 Messrs. Woodard and Hood of 6 Billiter
Street, City of London, Billericay and Southend 1890 Arthur Thorne, 13
Cambridge Road, Mile End (co. Middx.) (private address), solicitor's clerk
1897-1906 Messrs. Woodard, Hood and Thorne of 6 Billiter Street, City of
London, Billericay and Southend 1910 Messrs. Thorne, Mockridge, Limner
and Wood, Southend 1926 Messrs. Thorne, Owles and Limner, 10 Nelson
Street, Southend 1928-1930 Messrs. Thorne, Owles and Rawstorn, 5
Nelson Street, Southend

Q/SBb 494/94
Note saying that the Clerk of the Peace produced to the Court a draft of
contract between Mr Edward Alston and Mr Daniel constable Alston and the
Clerk of the Peace for a piece of land situated in St. James Parish
Colchester for a House of Correction secured and settled by Mr Duval. The
court orders that when the Tithe of the land is made out; it shall be conveyed.
Upon the conveyance being made, the Treasurer of the County wil pay the
sum of£300 to Edward Alston and Daniel constable

Q/SR 356/21
Indictment of Abraham aham Alston of Castle Hedingham innholder, before
and since 4 April, in his house being a common inn, did suffer divers
persons whose names are unknown to the jurors to remain excessively
drinking and tippling and disorderly living, and 4 April did forcibly theraten,
abuse, misuse and illtreat John Unwyn one of the constables thereof.
Acknowledgeth and is fined 40s.

Q/SR 356-
CALENDAR of all such prisoners as are in the custody of Nicholas Roberts,
Keeper of the Sheriff's ward in Colchester Castle, which are appointed for
the present Court, made 19 April. Abr. Alston was committed by Mr. Kemp
and Mr. Gentleman for abusing the constable of castle Hedingham in
executing his office. Edw. Elton was committed by Mr. Paschall, for stealing
a silver bowl of Elizabeth Hayward of Writtle widow which he hath confessed.

Q/SR 363/7
JURY LIST to enquire upon their oaths whether Henry Alston of Stisted son.,
gent., be guilty of a certain trespass and assault on Robert Woodhen, one of
the contables of Stisted, as he Standeth indicted of.

Q/SR 367/93
PETITION of the inhabitants of Toppesfield reciting that Katherine Boreham
the late wife of Glement Boreham lived with her said husband about 19 or 20
years in as honest life and good conversation and was reputed of amonget
the best Christans in the parish and alos carrued hereself well in the time of
her widowhood, and one Henry Gower being a sutior to her and they believe
was married to her by minister in Cambridge at Midsummer Fair 1654, and
it is true they were then at the said fair and as soon ans they came home
commonly reported that they were married according to the laws now
established, before the same was accomplished her said husband was
enforced to run away for debt and about 4 months since she had a child to
her great grief and sorrow as hath plainly appeared by her pensive carriage
ever since, they humbly entreat your worships to be favourable unto her in
regared she hath formerly carried herself very honestly and they believe in
this very act she did not know but that marriage was lawful. In a different
hand: To our best observation the bearer hereof Katherine has carried
herself very honestly in the time of her former husband and widowhood.
Signatures (or names) of: John Deekes, John Green, William Boreham,
Barnard Sible, Jane Hart widow, Thomas Tiffin, William Phillips, Francis
Wyatt, John Alston, William Butcher, William Edwards, James Smyth, John
Edwards, Matth. Edwards, John Scott, Thomas Bo(?d) ham, Edw. Tailor,
Steven Brend, Thomas Cornell, Thomas Borrom.

Q/SR 383/46
Presentments by Hundreds of Uttlesford, Freshwell, Clavering and Dunmow.
Tho. Croxon of Wimbish husbandman, for drawing and selling of beer
without licence. The inhabitants of "Saffron Waldon", for not repairing the
highwaye therein leading from "Colne end" in the parish of Wimbish to
"Waldon", which wave formerly been repaired by the inhabitants of
"Waldon." Tho. Greene of Ashdon yeoman, for fencing and hedging in of half
an acre of land called "Overhall Greene" in Ashdon, being the highway from
Ashdon to "Saffron Waldon." John Pegge of Lindsell gent., for erecting a
cottage on his own land (without laying four acres of freehold land) in "Much
Aiston", containing 10 rods in length. (Blank) Rowley of "Duton hill in Much
Aiston" widow, for erecting on a rood of land there a cottage (and not laying
four acres of freehold land.) (Blank) Haydon of "Duton Hill" widow, for
erecting a new cottage on a rood of land there (without laying four acres).
Henry Coleman of "Much Alston" clerk, for entertaining of inmates in a
cottage of his in "Duton hill", formerly a farmhouse and for taking the lands
therefrom to and for his own use. Signatures of the jurors.

Q/SR 398/14
Halstead. Return of all such persons as have refused to work in the highways
of Halstead this year 1663. Edw. Ingrim gent., Daniel Bonett, John
Beckworth, John French gent., Thomas Alston, Hannah Isaac widow,
George Ostler, "Wemes" Clark, John Smith, Thor. Arnold, Anthony Hardy,
William Death, Thomas Mane (?Manes), William Bunting, Abraham aham
Pratt, William Browne, William Abbott, Samuel Richardson, Robert
Scrivener, Albert Warren gent., Jonas Wright, William Rayner, John Balls,
John Berry, Robert Homes. Rob. Cornwell, William Barnord, surveyors.
Added: Delivered to me by the said surveyors. Signature of: Samuel Tryon.

Q/SR 469/59-60
Indictment of Browne (as in 58) and Robert Alston of Halstead
alehousekeeper, before and since 7 July, kept disorderly alehouses.

Q/SR 469/61
Indictment of Alston (as in 60) kept an alehouse without licence.

Q/SO 1/13
Alston Whereas upon the Petic[i]on of John Alston of Stysed and Henry
Alson of the Same, gent[lemen], p[re]sented unto this Courte at Easter
Sessions last, settinge forth that they were much oppressed by beinge
overated to the Poore, Constables rates and other rates in the saide,
Parrish, It was ordered that [th]e matter of Complainte should bee referred to
the two next Justices who were desired to call before them all p[ar]ties
concerned, and to examine the equallity of the Rates, and order therin as
they should see cause, Now this Courte beinge this Day informed by the
saide John Alston and Henry Alston that nothinge hath beene done for
rectifyeinge the inequallity of the saide rates, and complayninge that new
rates have beene since made for other sum[me]s wherein they are overated
as before, & desiring [th]e further order of this Courte for their releife herein,
This Courte doth order that the matter of compl[ain]te be referred to S[ir]
Tho[mas] Honywood k[nigh]t, Dionis Wakeringe W[illia]m Harlackenden &
Dudly Templar Esq[uire]s or any 3 of them, who are disired to call before
them all p[ar]ties concerned, and to examine the equallity of the saide Rates,
and order therin as they should see cause, Now this Courte beings this Day
informed by the said John Alston and Henry Alston that notinge hath beene
done for rectifyinge the inequallity of the saide rates, and complaynings that
new rates have beene since made for other sum[me]s wherein they are
coverated as before, & desiring the[e] further order of this Courte for their
releife herein, This court doth order that the matter of Compl[ain] tte be
reffered to S[ir] Tho[mas] Hoywood k[nigh]t, Dionis Wakeringe, W[illia]m
Harlackenden & Dudly Templar Esq[uire]s or any 3 of them, who are disired
to call before them all p[arties therein concerned & to examine the equallity
of th[e] s[ai]d rates [f.4r.] and to make such Order therein as they shall see
cause for puttinge an end to the said diffeence, the saide John mAlstone
and Henry Alston promising in open Courte to play to all rates such
p[ro]porc[i]on as the said JUstice shall soe Order them to pay

Q/SO 1/220
Stistead: Alston Whereas Henry Alston of Stistead in this County,
gent[leman], and John Brockwell of same place, yeoman, being overseo[r]s
for the poore of the said p[ar]ish for the yeare ending att Easter last, the
parishone[r]s of the said parish in Easter weeke aforesaid did nominate
Robert Aylette, John Baysey and Isaack Medcalfe to bee overseors for the
poore of the said parish for this p[re]sent yeare, who wer confirmed by two of
the Justices of the peace of this County according to Law, as was proved
openly in Court, But the said warrant of Confirmac[i]on comeing to the
handes of the said Henry Alston and by him deteyned from the p[re]sent
overseors, hee the said Henry Alston afterward procured himself to bee
continued in this office w[i]thout the knowledge or consent of the said
parishon[er]s And whereas John Alston gent[leman], father of the said Henry,
being convicted for swearing severall oathes, Dionisius Wakering Esq[uire],
one of the Justices of the peace of this County, before whom the said
Convicc[i]on was, directed his warrant to the Constables, Churchwardens
and overseors of the poore of the said parish for the levying the Twenty
Shillings of the goods of the said John Alston for his said offence, which said
warrant the said Rob[er]t Aylett and Isaac Medcalfe as overseors for the
poore of the said parish, w[i]th the Constables and Churchwardens thereof
did endeavour to execute, but did forbeare to doe anything therein in regard
the said John Alston p[re]tended the said Twenty shillings was formerly paid
to Henry Alston his sonn, [f.78v.] which said matter hereby adjudge and
declare that the said Robert Aylett, John Baysey and Isaack Medcalfe were
legally nominated and confirmed overseo[r]s for the poore fo the said parish
att the time of the Convic[i]on of the said John Alston as aforesaid, [and] att
the time endevouringe to take the side distresse were and still are overseors
for the poore of the said parish.

T/A 418/179/60
Indictment of Mark Last Toppesfield Labourer, 20 February 27 ChaS. ii,
SPR. as above. Witness: John Alston. [Ass 35/116/1/60]

SA 25/1/1/3
Transcript of interview with Kenneth Alston, former assistant chief
constable with Essex Police

Grant [and copy] by Thomas Baynard of Messyng to John Alston, of Legattes
in Messyng.
Grant [and copy] by Thomas Baynard of Messyng to John Alston, of Legattes
in Messyng.
Lease by Richard Baynard of Messyng to John Rowland and Agnes his wife,
sometime wife of John Alston of Messyng, two parts of a tenement called
Alstones in Messyng.
Appointment by John de Boys of Tolleshunt Tregoz and others, of John
Alston of Messyng, lands called Legattes in Messyng.
Grant [and copy] by John de Boys of Tolleshunt Tregoz, William Hanyngfeld,
John Ewell, Walter Gawtron, Robert Warner, Roger Rye, and William
Tasseburgh, parson of Raylegh, to Robert Alston, son of John Alston of
Messyng,of lands, etc., called Legattes in Messyng.
Grant by Richard Baynard of Messyng and Johanna his wife to Robert
Alston, of a piece of land, parcel of a croft late of Robert Bitham.
Grant by Richard Baynard of Messyng to Robert Alston of Messyng, John
Bygood, Bernereve, Henry Dameon, and John Salmon, of a messuage and
garden with appurtenances in Messyng, to hold of the Manor of
Grant by John Bygood, Berne reve, John Smyth of Messyng, and John Baylle
of Aldham, to Simon, parson of Esthorp, Henry Danyon, Henry Prentys,
Henry Pynamet, and Thomas Sowder, of lands called Legattes in Messyng,
which they lately had of the feoffment of Robert Alston, son of John Alston of
Feoffment in Exchange [Sir] William Waldergrave, knt., to [Sir] John
Wentworth, knt. Two gardens. three pieces of land and a grove of woodland,
with hedges and ditches (5a. 3r. 22p.), being parcel of land and tenements
called Gants formerly belonging to Edmund Gant, decd., in Wiston
[Wissington], co. Suff., comprising: two gardens and two pieces of land (with
an intervening streth of lane) (4a. 1r 17p.), lying together and abutting on a
lane leading to a customary tenement of the manor of wiston in tenure of
John Prentise in right of his w. Joan on W., customary land of the said manor
in occ. of John Prentise on E., and the said land and soil of the said
tenement on N.: the third piece of land (3r. 32p.) abutting on land of John
Wentworth belonging to his messuage called Aldhams on W. and S.,the
aforesaid lane on E. and another lane adjoining a parcel of Gants still in
Waldegrave's possession on N., and grove of woodland (2r. 12p.) abutting
on customary land of the said manor in tenure of John Prentise on W. and S.,
customary woodland of the said manor in tenure of John Prentise on E. and
parcel of Gants still in Waldegrave's possession on N. In permanent
exchange for land, pasture and alder wood (5a. 3r. 22p.) parcel of the manor
of wiston conveyed to william Waldergrave by John Wentworth by feoffment
(D/DPb T2/8). Reserves annual rent of 22d. and fealty and relief in socage in
respect of the residue of Gants remaining in Waldergrave's hands, as they
shall fall due to wentworth and his heirs and assigns as lords of the manor of
Wiston, with right of distraint in default Signature of William Waldegrave
Seals: (i) ? an eagle displayed [? Waldergrave] (ii) ? a leopard passant
[Wentworth] Endorsed with memorandum of livery of Seisin in presence of
William Lytilbury of Dedham, clothier, William Alston of Middleton, William
Hoye, John Veno [ur], Geoffrey Sidey, Richard Reynold and others Attached:
memorandum of appointment of William Sidey, gent., as attorney to receive
seisin, bearing signature of John Wentworth Fragile; not to be produced
Feoffment in exchange [Sir] John Wentworth, knt., to [Sir] William
Waldegrave, knt. Four pieces of land, pasture and alder wood, with hedges
and ditches, (5a. 3r. 22p.), being parcel of the manor of Wiston in Wiston
[Wissington], co. Suff., comprising two pieces of arable land (4a. 12p.) lying
together, the first piece abutting on land of George Hoye on S., the second
of the two said pieces and another piece of land and pasture included in the
present feoffment on N., land of John Wentworth belonging to the manor of
Wiston and land of George Hoye on E. and land of John Wentworth parcel of
his messuage called Aldhams on W., the second piece of land abg. on the
first of the two said pieces and land of william Waldegrave parcel of land
and tenements called Gants on E., land belonging to the messuage called
Aldhams on W. and N. and the first of the two said pieces of land on S.; the
third piece of land or pasture (1a. 2p), having an outlying corner on S. side
abg. on the aforesaid second piece of land and land of William Waldegrave
parcel of Gants on w., land of the manor of Wiston in John Wentworth's
possession and land formerly parcel of the said manor and alienated by the
present feoffment on E., the aforesaid first piece of land on S. and parcel of
lands called Gants with a certain pond on N., and the fourth piece of land and
alder wood (3r. 7p.) abutting on the said pond and soil of the said William
Waldegrave parcel of Gants and the aforesaid third piece of land on W.,
land and alder wood of the manor of Wiston in John Wentworth's possession
on E. and land of the manor of Wiston in John Wentworth's possession on S.
and land formerly of Robert Cowper parcel of his manor called Le Graunge
on N. In permanent exchange for garden, land and wood (5a. 3r. 22p.),
parcel of lands and tenements called Gants in Wiston [Wassington]
conveyed to John Wentworth by William Waldegrave by feoffment (D/DPb
T2/7) Signature of William Waldegrave Seal: ? an eagle displayed [?
Waldegrave] Endorsed with memorandum of livery of seisin in presence of
William Lytilbury of Dedham, clothier, William Alston of Middelton, William
Hoye, John Veno[ur], Henry Haymo[ur], Geoffrey Sidney, Richard Reynold
and others Fragile; not to be produced
Grant from John Darnell, of Manningtree gent., to Robert Veysys of Hadleigh,
Suff., clothier, of all the tenements, etc. in Mistley, in the occupation of
Andrew Auston, and letter of attorney to William. Veysye to deliver seisin of
the same. Witnesses: Andrew Alston; Edward Bocher.
Deed of messuage called Hamondes in Little Waldingfield, Suffolk lying
between kings highway leading from Lt. Waldingfield to Edwardstone on N.,
and tenement of Thomas Johnson in part and lands of Thomas Collman in
part on S., 1 head abutting on kings highway leading from Byldeston to
Sudbury on W., other head abutting on tenement of Thomas Alston on E.
Q/SR 155/38,38a
Indictments of John Cole of Dovercourt, yeoman, John Backe of "Beanes" in
the parish of Dovercourt, yeoman, Robert Hayle, of the same, husbandman,
John Alston, Anthony Foster, William Cooper and Thomas Keepe of the
same, labourers, for breaking into the close of Henry Payne called
"Coppins" at Dovercourt afersaid, and destroying the hedges and ditches
there; and for breaking into the close of the said Henry called "Fylmans land"
at the same, and destroying the hedges and ditches there. Endorsed,
witness Hancock.
Deeds of mansion on house called Cusee Hall, with dove-house, barns,
stables, yards, orchards, gardens and land (85a.) [field-names], 1615-1707;
deeds, 1641-1700, including messuage called Colemans with land (43a)
[field-names]; manor house called Hosyes alias Houses, with buildings,
yards, gardens, orchards and land (157a.) [field-names], 1617-1709; deed,
1676, including cottage with windmill, stable, yards, gardens and ground
(1a); messuage called Crophall, with outhouses, yards, gardens,backsides
and land (3a.) abg. on King's highway from Cusshall to parish church,
Toppesfield, 1684-1707; land (42a.) [field-names] copyhold of Manor of
Barwicks and Sootneys, 1678-1703; and 3 pieces of land (4a.) copyhold of
manor of Stoke-juxta-Clare, 1706-1722 Incl. valuation, 1768, of farms called
Abbots and Gurtens in Haverhill; near contemporary copy of Probate copy,
1586, of will, 1586, of William Bigge of Toppesfield, yeo.; and attested copy,
17th cent., of attested copy [n.d.] of will, 1653, of John Alston of Stisted, gent.
Grant by Peter Poole of Broxted yeoman and George Poole of Takeley,
Yeoman, and Margaret his wife, to Thomas Alston of Newton, suffolk, of the
same premiese for £620. [3 seals] [Note of Humph. Smyth attorning tenant.]
Q/SR 219/112
Recognizances of Rob.Smyth, John Alston and "Sranges" Alston, all of Sible
Redingham; Smyth to keep the peace towards Walter Pristwood, William
Browne and John Tall.(As in 54,91).
Q/SR 219/113
Recognizances of rob. Smyth, John Alston and "Strangue" Alston; John to
keep the peace towards Pristwood, Browne and Tell (as in 112).
Deed of messuage lately sold by Peter Greene to Richard Ward sen. decd.,
in occupation of [blank] OnterDeboys, Colchester Inc. assignment of
judgement from Francis Alston, widow, re property of Peter Greene inc.
tenement in Colchester.
T/A 418/106/68
Writ of Distringas for Robert Golding of Great Henney, John Alston of
Toppesfield and James Harrington of Great Maplestead gents., to answer
for trespasses. `Blackwater Bridge et. al. Proclamation Lent 4 Chas.I. 3s.4d.
each'. [ASS 35/72/1/68]
T/A 418/107/73
Writ of Distringas for Henry Mildmay of Moulsham knt., Gamaliel Capell knt.
and William Luckine bart., both of little Waltham, Thomas Titterell of
Abberton, Thomas Pinson of Ray;eigh, Robert Gouldinge of Great Henny,
John Alston of Toppesfield gentlemen, to answer for trasgressions "for (not
mending) Peete bridge and Blackwater bridge". Issues of each, 10s. (ASS
T/A 418/108/135
Writ of Venire facias for John Searle of Epping, John Parker of Witham,
John Digbye, William Alston gents., John Hammond labourer, all of Epping
and Stephen Hore of Colchester yeoman, to answer for contempts and
escapes. As above (ASS 35/73/1/135)
T/A 418/108/143
Writ of ditringas for Henry Mildmay of Moulsham knt., Gmaliel Capell knt.,
William Luckins of Little Waltham, Thomas Titterell of Abberton, Thomas
Pinson of Rayleigh, Robert Gouldinge of Great Henny, John Alston of
Tollesfield, all gents., to answer for transgressions etc. Proclamation made
Lnet 2 & 4 Chas.I. Issue, 5s. (ASS 35/73/1/143)
T/A 418/109/72
Writ of Capias for John Parker of Witham yeoman, John Dygby, William
Alston gents. and John Hamond labourer, all of Bulmer, Stephen Hoy of
Colchester, John Crouch, Thomas Francis, John Blisden, Thomas Baker,
John (?) Boston, George Gladwine, Barnaby Grimston, Nicholas Scott, John
Cordle, Tho.Lofte, all of Chingford, Thomas Turnor of Great Easton,
Tho.Polley of Wormingford, William Ruste of Panfield, John Ramsey,
Richard Beachampe, Tho.Thimbleby, all of Great Henny, Stephen Rice of
Belchamp Walter, Robert Ward of the same, William Bullocke and Roger
Furmyn of Foxearth, Wm.Browne of (blank) (blank in MS.) and John Borley of
the same yeomen. To answer for contempt. Proclamation made Autumn 6
Chas.I. As above.(ASS 35/74/1/72)
T/A 418/109/78
Writ of Distringas for Henry Mildmay of Moulsham, Gamaliel Capell knts.,
William Luckinge bart., Thomas Titterell of Abberton, Thomas Pinson of
Rayleigh, Robert Gouldinge of Great Henny, John alston of Toppesfield, all
gents., to answer for transgressions etc. Proclamation made Lent 2 & 4
Chas.I. Issues for each, 13s.4d. (ASS 35/74/1/78)
Q/SR 306/19
Indictment of John Wyndle of Bocking yeoman at stisted, stole and drove
away 26 sheep worth 28 of Henry Alston.
Lease for 31 years at a pepper-corn rent. Rich. Blackmore of Childerditch,
yeoman, to Roger Bird of Stanford-le-Hope, gent. Messuage etc. called
Lentropps and 11 in Wennington in occupation of Roger Lawrence.
This indenture shall be void if the said Rich.Blackmore shall pay to Penning
Alston, citizen and grocer of London, the sum of £104 in fulfilment of a bond
by which the said Roger Bird is bound with Rich.Blackmore dated 27 June
Certified copy (1691) of marriage settlement: Edward Alston and Mary
Witherell, both of Newton (Suff.)
Q/SR 317/40
Presentment Mr. John Alston was chosen surveyor, and the constables and
churchwardens have not appointed the 6 days for the amendment of the
highways which ought to be appointed the Sunday after Easter. Signature of:
John Alston. Added in a different hand: This presentment was tendered to me
by the surveyor of Stisted the day above said. Signature of : James Heron.
D/DQ 84/116
Feoffment Tho. Chaplyn of Belchamp Otten, Robert Chaplyn and John
Chaplyn (all sons of Thomas Chaplyn, sen., of Belchamp Otten, decd.) and
Rob. Lech of Belchamp Otten to Oliver Raymond esq., and sons John
Raymond and Oliver Raymond, John Scott, sen., and sons John Scott and
Benjamin Scott, Robert Newman, sen., and sons Robert Newman and
Matthew Newman, all of Belchamp Walter, James Chaplyn (son of Tho.
Chaplyn, jun.) Thomas Chaplyn and Robert Chaplyn (sons of Jas. Chaplyn),
Robert Lech, junior (son of Robert Lech), William White and Wm. White, jun.,
William Martin, Thomas Thompson and son Edmund Thompson, Rob.
Freeman and Richard French, all of Belchamp Otten Messuage and 2
gardens, called Alstons, with a croft of land (2a.) in a land called Alston's
Lane and a pightle of pasture ('bd a.) all lying together between lands
formerly of the Earl of Oxford and abutting on land of William Cole on W;
croft of land called Ryvenhall (3a.) abutting on land called Muscells, formerly
of the Earl of Oxford and land called Whaddon, formerly of Roger Wentworth,
now of Thomas Smith; a 'grovet' formerly of Thomas Skepper, deceased
now of William Cole and a garden called Lawes, formerly of William Cole,
now of Robert Freeman, and a croft called Sawers (1a.) abutting on lands
formerly of the Earl of Oxford; a wood called Vaux Wood, a field called
Woodfield and the lane towards Short Wood: all the above property being in
Belchamp Otten, formerly in occupation of Edw. Radford, now of Samuel
Golding To the use of the feoffees for employment of all rents and profits
thereform, except those due to the Crown, for the repair of Belchamp Otten
Church; 24 new trustees to be enfeoffed when only 4 of the original number
remain Recites: Enfeoffment in trust, to uses as above, of parties as above
and others now deceased by George Colte of Cavendish (co. Suff.) (son
and heir of Henry Colte, the son and heir of Sir George Colte, kt., decd.) for
the better performance of of a decree made to John, Bishop Suffragan of
Colchester, Thomas Corbett D.D., Wm. Ayloffe of Broxted, Thomas
Waldegrave and Christopher Chibone, commissioners under the Great Seal
for the reform of charitable trusts in Essex Witnesses to livery of seisin: John
Mayhew (mark), Chris. Griggs (mark), Robert Rice (mark), Wm.Brand
(mark), John Riggs
D/P 96/18/20
Assignment of lease (i) Gilbert Bragge of Halstead, butcher (ii) Nathan
Wade of Halstead, yeoman. Shop and house late of William Boyse, butcher
(deceased) and before that of Thomas Boyse his grandfather, in Halstead,
between churchyard on south and highway or street from Sudbury, Suffolk to
Braintree on north, shop belonging to parish church in occupation of Thomas
Hurvy butcher on west, and churchyard gate on east Recites: D/P 96/18/15,
D/P 96/18/17, D/P 96/18/19 Witnesses: John Bragg, Nicholas Jekyll,
Abraham Alston
D/P 96/18/21
Bond to enforce assignment of lease (as in D/P 96/18/20) (i) Gilbert Bragge
of Halstead, butcher (ii) Nathan Wade of Halstead, yeoman Witnesses: John
Bragg, Nicholas Jekyll, Abraham Alston
Q/SR 324/118,119
EXAMINATIONS taken at Halstead before Thomas Cooke esq., justice, of
"divers parties about the business of Mr. John Alston of Stistead." (The
depositions are confused in their subject matter, and of no historical interest
except for the passages calendared below; there is nothing else in the
original to throw further light on the conjuror.) Martin Hurrell deposes that,
between Easter and Michaelmas 1643 being the last summer but one, Mr.
Robert Aylett, Mr. Thomas Allett and Mr. James Richardson, Sarah Feltcher,
Abraham aham Rich, John Drake, John Dier, all of Stisted, Lambert Smith
and "the conjuror that went in black apparell, of a browne haire and a
blackish heard", a man of middle size, and another one Henry, the three last
came from Sir William maxie, and two maids of the same family, and
sometimes William Drake and his wife of Stisted, Ellen Warren, Mary
Wardthen of Bocking, now married to Stistead, and Mr. Edward Mott of
Bocking, and divers others, had half a dozen meetings at her master's house
(etc.). And further she saith that Sir William Maxie's man did conjure by
making a circle in her master's hall, and setting up three candles which
burned blue and when they put htem out they did it with milk and soot; and
saith that they feasted and had fiddlers from Coggeshall and Sir William
Maxsie's maid played on the virginals; that she took a bushel of wheat (out)
of the malt chamber and gave it to Robert Wibrook for which she was to
have 3s., and Elizabeth Waite stole 2 bushels of malt and sent to young
Samuel's to be brewed for a merry meeting, and finally saith that they rode in
a coach to Sir William Maxie's. (The deposition of Elizabeth Gallant contains
nothing of interest.)
Q/SR 335/26
Presentments by Hundreds of Hinckford and Witham. The inhabintants of
Wethersfield, for not repairing the highway from Toppesfield towards
Braintree being against the lands of John Alston gentleman commoly called
"Hawkesells" as for as "Cellyers greene" by estimation 100 rods./ The
inhabitants of Alphamstone, for not repairing the highway from Lammarsh to
Febmarsh and Halstead, the place is called "Wellockes hill'> Mris Clarke of
Stebbing widow and William Field yeoman, both of Steebbing, for
recusants. John Roylands of Stebbing weaver, for sparating himself from the
parish church of Stebbing and frequenting other unlawful meetings whre he
himself preseheth to others. Peter Lidgecatt and John Sanders, Richard
Casse and John Wilmott, all of Hatfield Several yeoman, for recusants.
(blank) Sanders of Ratfield Peverel, for an unlicensed alehousekeeper. Mark
of: Robert Warner Foreman of the jury: the rest of the jur consent.

Empty File [26963].

The child from this marriage was:

+ 2    i. ALSTON Time Line 13th C [5992] .

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